Alright Im trying to Get some info for my friend who's got an issue with his 86' quadsport. Went to go riding today and we noticed his " oil" was awfully water like. Turns out his "oil" ilwas pretty much all gasoline. We dipped into the oil and all that came out was gas. The motor has been recently rebuilt, but the rest of the quad is pretty much ghetto rigged to run with orginial/new/ parts from a motorcycle( bars haha and I think the throttle cable). His dad ghetto rigged the throttle cable somehow to get the quad to run so we are thinking possibly the throttle was stuck open while the quad sat for 3 weeks (waiting on rear shock) and completely flooded the motor out? Is that possible and if so where does he go from here, if not what are some other causes. I don't know what exactly was done to the throttle cable so I can't give more details into that.
Problem is that his drain plug is stripped and won't be coming out. Other than taking the motor apart is there any other solution to the problem? Possibly draining from where you actually pour oil in but I'm not sure that would get enough of the gas out to help things much.
Any thoughts/ ideas appreciated.
Problem is that his drain plug is stripped and won't be coming out. Other than taking the motor apart is there any other solution to the problem? Possibly draining from where you actually pour oil in but I'm not sure that would get enough of the gas out to help things much.
Any thoughts/ ideas appreciated.