4 months trade?!


New Member
Aug 19, 2008
egg harbor township, new jersey
ok so in the near future i say like 4-5 months im gonna need a car cause i got my permit the other day(bout time it was supspended cause i was put-putting on the side of the road) so since i got it i am gonna need a car. now i know people are gonna say why trade ur quad well i dont have a job and in my area in order to really have a job best would be to get a car. my parents are gonna pay my insurance so therefore i am responsible for my car. so what i wanna know is what should i do like sell it whole or part it out or trade. and what kind of car should i get. i like crown vics and grand marquise i know they guzzle but they are nice lol. so please if u feel just give me you
.02 lol thanks
I drive a 94 Olds EightyEight Its a granpa car but it great on gas and still has great power. I bought mine for 2000 and its mint. Congrats on your permit and good luck on your search !
just get yourself a 2-500 dollar beater

like a older cavilier or escort or some sh*t like that...then when you get a job start saving for the car you want
Your in Egg Harbor? Is that like near Ocean City?? If so I know the car prices are Jacked up there ! If you wanna get something cheap goto the Police auction in Philly bro its well worth the trip. My boy picked up a 99 jeep Cherokee with zero problems for 1000 bux and alot of the cars went cheaper but weren't as nice . I can probly get you more information if you want pm me.

Also Carlisle has a auto Auction. Right off the PA turnpike.
Your in Egg Harbor? Is that like near Ocean City?? If so I know the car prices are Jacked up there ! If you wanna get something cheap goto the Police auction in Philly bro its well worth the trip. My boy picked up a 99 jeep Cherokee with zero problems for 1000 bux and alot of the cars went cheaper but weren't as nice . I can probly get you more information if you want pm me.

Also Carlisle has a auto Auction. Right off the PA turnpike.

just a little off topic but your 27 and your boy is driving already
Your in Egg Harbor? Is that like near Ocean City?? If so I know the car prices are Jacked up there ! If you wanna get something cheap goto the Police auction in Philly bro its well worth the trip. My boy picked up a 99 jeep Cherokee with zero problems for 1000 bux and alot of the cars went cheaper but weren't as nice . I can probly get you more information if you want pm me.

Also Carlisle has a auto Auction. Right off the PA turnpike.

deffinatly please if u can get the info for the philly thing would be great i heard of it and a bunch of people told me to go there
HAHA Sorry I mean my Friend lmao My kids are 1,3,7 & 11 ... .. .. Ima collector of children !

LOL I guess I am a collector of children also. I have 8month,4,6,11 & 13.

Ok back on topic, I agree with YB buy a beater, find a job and then save for a better car, it would suck to have to get rid of the Blaster with all the work you just put in it..
Stop spending money now on the blaster and save your cash.You will never get what you put into it.Start saving now and you may be able to keep the blaster.