38mm air striker carb

best possible deal i could find...........

2003 03 KTM 125sx 125 SX Carb Carburetor Throttle Cable | eBay

get bidding :)

these ktm 125 sx carbs are a Keihin PWK 38S AG
i see quad vents, as my buddies ktm144 had.
alot of the KTM's used the 38mm keihins < for search reference.

whats the difference between a quad vent AG and an airstryker ?
not enuf to spend big cheddar on an AS ?
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My 35mm works good. I want to get to see if it takes some bottom end and puts it in the top end. This motor makes a lot of power through the entire RPM range. There is no distinct hit of power in higher RPM's cause the amount of bottom end.
I've got a couple CR250/500 carbs, I think at least one of them is a 38mm but I don't know much about carbs as far as them being an airstriker/PJ/PKW. I could probably loan you something for test purposes. If it worked out, then you could buy one ( I wouldn't want to sell any of mine )....if not you'd just be out a little shipping. If it's something you're interested in, let me know and I can get pictures and measure them.
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That might work. I 'm am going to experiment with some timing changes today. I will let you know. Thanks and rep given.