360 view of my Hybird Cr 500 blaster


New Member
Oct 14, 2012
View My Video[/IMG]I still have a few things to do back brakes and brace the front of the frame up. I didn't have any fuel when i did this video so i couldn't start it. The video is kind of blurry (cell phone). I'm going to repaint it and put new plastic on it this summer.
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Reactions: 79 bronco
nice swap bro !!!

we already know she runs from your other vid
(don't forget your helmet next time :) )

you need a better camera and show us how you did that honda style removable seat/fenders, i like that.
Well there will be many more upgrades for this project. As far as it being scary my cuzin weighs about 315. He was hole shoting this bike (sitting close to the gas tank) as soon as it grabbed 2nd it pulled wheelies with ease {Hard packed ground). So I will be buying another swinger, and 22x11x8 zippers, and 44t back sprocket. The motor is geared high compared to the stock blaster motor. At low speeds like 1st gear I found my self at times trying to down shift. I'll make sure I keep the pictures coming when ever i do some up grades.
Well if i roll it i'll get another pipe made. I slacked up on it for now because my baby is due Feb. 18th. My cuzin rides it some when he comes home off the road. I had a motorcycle crash back in August. A lady pulled out infront of me and i t boned her in the door. I'm doing alot better now, my right rist is still in a cask. I will upload some more pics and videos soon (blaster).