35mm keihin airstriker


800 V Twin
Aug 6, 2010
Busco Beach NC/ Goldsboro
I scored 2 35mm airstriker carbs off a banshee and i want to sell one of them. Both are clean as sh*t both inside and out. If i have the jets you want in them i will add them if not i will leave whatever is in it now. I sold one on flea bay so if anyone wants the other i am up for trades or 120 shipped. Both carbs look to be polished at some point. I scored the front brakes and shocks but sale is pending. Looking another extended e bay swinger or a arms. Its ok if swinger is cracked, i can repair it.
what do you want for a trade. i dont have the cash right now but if you still have it in a couple weeks ill need it for sure for my build

Well, I aint giveing it away much cheaper so i might still have it. I dont need the money but i have 3 35mm airstrikers and some stock carbs so i figured i would sell one more.

If you really need it I will hold it if you want it for sure. Just let me know when you can buy it for sure and i will mark it as sold. I will let it go for 110.00 shipped and it is cleaner than a new carb. I might be able to jet it to your likeing but not for sure cuz i havent got my carb jetted perfect yet and not sure what jets i have and what i need. I got damn jets scattered every where.

Probably not much i would take on trade cuz i got like 2-3 of everything from buying sh*t i dont need. Just let me know.

Damn your building a monster. I will take your 240 kit!!! LMAO
I need it so if you can hold it for 2 weeks ill buy it. Ill PM you when i have the dough i get paid on the 7th will you be willing to hold it for that long?
I need it so if you can hold it for 2 weeks ill buy it. Ill PM you when i have the dough i get paid on the 7th will you be willing to hold it for that long?

Yes, I will hold it for you. I aint hurting for the cash so if you want it i will mark it as yours.

I assure you its a nice carb that is very nicely polished that will make that 240 scream.

Whenever you pay me i will ship it ASAP!! SOLD!!