

Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
so i think i found my air leak on my banshee an i want a second or third oir whatever opinion it might be but......

right where my finger is that bolt wont go tight just spins an of corse its the right cylinder thats not fireing right. so i was woundering even with the one piece carb adaptor if thats where my air leak could be coming from. so what do you guys think.

i asked over at bansheehq an got no responses in over 3 weeks. 8-|

thanks for any help guys.......
id love to but been kinda busy.... :( thats what im hopeing lol. im thinking about takin that jug off an drilln an tapin an tryin that. im praying to god thats where it is coming from... that an i dont have a leak down tester ethier which im gonna be buying here in 2 or 3 weeks. i gotta save my mom cause of somethings that happend to my mom for real this time unliek the last problems we had with the hospital. at work the other day she just feel out of the blue an broke her left leg an when theyt got her to the hospital they found out her kidneys stopped working. so no she has to start dyalisis or however u spell it. so im going down there for a couple weeks to take care of her so im gonna pry be on here alot an hopefully get back in touch with all my buds on the BF.

id like to say one thing to all you bf memmbers..... im sorry that i havent been on much latley. ive been tryn to open my own shop an get caught back up with my school work an now gonna be taking care of my mom for a couple weeks but its gonnna give me a break to GET caught up on school work an talk on here now.

so id just like to tahnk everyone on BF thats helped me threw the bad times an the good times to become.....
thats what i was also thinkin.. as in u can tell in the pick i started to take apart the top end but then i thought about it an was like hmmmmmm.... just maybe lol....