250r rear shock and more

May 14, 2007
Westtown, NY
I got a 86 honda atc 250r shock that i took off my blaster for now just looking to get some money right now for other things hopefully gety some works for my blaster or sumthing so im selling it, will get pics later
i have the following items for sale
atc 250r shock
400ex front shocks
keihin pj34mm carb will prob need a new float or bowl, leaks a lil bit.....
gas tank
cbr rear brake caliper_ 25 shipped
stock reed cage
stock 91 front hubs......

ill get pics later today after work and ill figure out the prices just wanna no if i have any interest in these items 1st before i throw any prices or anything up
aight ill get u a pic as soon as i can find my camera, and the price for it will prob be like 65 shipped but if anyone thinks thats to high then offer me a price
alright well i didnt get any pics yet cuz i was busy the past few days.....
250r shock-55 shipped
400ex front shocks-55 shipped
cbr caliper 25 shipped
gas tank-25 shipped
hubs-15 shipped
keihin 34mm pj- ill take 55 shipped for it
heres pics finally!!!!






problem is i need even numbers of carbs.....hahahaha if it doesnt go on ebay, pm me..