2003 440ex update


New Member
Jul 18, 2010
Mc Roberts, Kentucky
hey guys i figured i'd give you all an update on my 440ex... i added new decals on the sides and i really like how they came out! it is smoking a tad when i rev it as you SHOULD notice in the vid but i think it is because of the new pipe as i've only rode it 2-3 times for about 5 minutes with the hmf pipe... i figure it's just the factory oils and the packing burning, what do you guys think though? it shouldn't be anything serious because the top end is new. first here are some pics of it all clean and looking sexy!

ugh the vid didn't process right when my phone recorded it and it made the sound like 5-10 seconds ahead of the actual video so i'll have to record another vid... sorry guys i'll get another vid soon for you!
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4-stroke smoke all the time? could be rich or valves need adjusted, bad rings but if top is new that probably counts out the rings.
@Dakota - thanks man! I:I

@Slick - it didn't smoke all the time just started doing it a little bit today, not much... and it's definitely not rich i just got done dialing in the carb... as for the valves, maybe, but i'm doubtful... i'm still leaning towards it being new packing/oils in the hmf pipe.

@Triple B - thanks, and yeah i am getting them very soon lol

@Paul ('98BlasterBoy) - you aint kidding! hahaha you doing good man? been a while since i talked to you

@Eugene (Drifz1) - thanks bro, yeah for sure, tires will be coming ASAP
Never had a new pipe smoke on a 4 stroke. You do need to check the valve clearance at least every 100 hours of riding. it's easy to do i was intimidated at first but once i walked through it no problems! Oh after a few times of taking off the covers, ya should replace the o-rings to keep it sealed! they are cheap too!

I have been wrong before! Just throwin out some possibilities for ya.
Never had a new pipe smoke on a 4 stroke. You do need to check the valve clearance at least every 100 hours of riding. it's easy to do i was intimidated at first but once i walked through it no problems! Oh after a few times of taking off the covers, ya should replace the o-rings to keep it sealed! they are cheap too!

every 4 stroke i've put a new pipe on does that until it is rode quite a bit to burn off the oils, and everybody on exriders say the same so i'm hoping it is the pipe... as for adjusting the valves, i would think after the PO having everything in the top end new (head, valves, cam, cam sprocket, timing chain, piston, rings due to being blown up) that the valves would be okay with me only putting about 2-3 hours on it at the very most. but i guess i could check when i got some time.

EDIT: i think i just thought of what could have happened. since it has the 440 and all the motor work (440's known to overheat) and i don't have the SPAL fan OR the bigger oil tank, it could have gotten hot and been causing the smoking, what do you think?
EDIT: i think i just thought of what could have happened. since it has the 440 and all the motor work (440's known to overheat) and i don't have the SPAL fan OR the bigger oil tank, it could have gotten hot and been causing the smoking, what do you think?

Can't help ya on that one bro. Sicivic may be able to answer that.
most likely the packing breaking in in the muffler. Take the timing caps of and crank the engine over with a ratchet(17mm socket) if it spins easy most likely your rings are gone bad . if it spins easy then put a lil oil in the spark plug hle and screw the plug back in , if the compression gets alot harder its your rings
most likely the packing breaking in in the muffler. Take the timing caps of and crank the engine over with a ratchet(17mm socket) if it spins easy most likely your rings are gone bad . if it spins easy then put a lil oil in the spark plug hle and screw the plug back in , if the compression gets alot harder its your rings

well if it turns out to be rings i'm going to be pissed since it's a brand new 440 top end!!! X( but thanks for the info
i highl doubt its the rings if its a new top end , dont wear down that quick on a 4T

yeah the entire new top end is why i highly doubt that and am leaning towards exhaust packing burning out... which it could have been steam because i had just washed it before i started it too... either way, if it keeps doing it then i'll look a little further into it.
its not rings, when they go bad u presurize the system and u get alot of oil coming out the breather on the valve cover not smoke... its valves or slip on
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its not rings, when they go bad u presurize the system and u get alot of oil coming out the breather on the valve cover not smoke... its valves or slip on

alright thanks SO MUCH for clearing that up man!!!:D rep coming your way... also, isn't it valve seals (or seats, whatever they're called lol) what causes them to smoke?
you are correct the rings could cause it to smoke when their starting to go bad, on our crf it skipped that step and went straight to pressurizing the crank case ..... so my bad

casey u can check leaking valves by putting gas in the ports and see if it leaks past... its easiest with the head off. They also sell pressure test tools