2001 Blaster Revs high and keeps going higher


New Member
May 27, 2010
got a 2001 Blaster that my nephew runs and when the thing starts she revs high then goes to extremely high? The only remedy I can find is to pull the choke out a quarter of a inch to control the high engine blowin idle.

Any one know anything bout this?
sounds like you have a clogged fuel line or a carb issue. mine does that when i turn the gas off and let the carb empty while its running. check your lines maybe your petcock. hope that helps
Multiple causes already mentioned. Basically you have a lean condition, that's why pulling the choke helps, it adds more fuel. If the idle air screw (turn in) doesn't help, then clean the carb (idle circuit especially) it could be partially plugged, and perform a leakdown (pressure) test with a leakdown tester.

Instructions for leakdown test and tester fabrication in the DIY section or PM Holeshot, he sells them for $30.

Chances are very good you will find a leaky gasket or seal somewhere.
Get yourself a can of carb cleaner or starting fluid, and start the quad and do what you gotta do to get it to come down a bit so you dont blow it up. Then just spray the fack out of the carb, and the tube leading to the carb, all around. If you hit a spot thats got an air leak, you will either make the idle go up, or make it bog depending. If you find a spot like that, hit it a few times and confirm it really changed.

Do that all over the carb/intake area and see.

If you dont find any spots that are changing the behavior of the idle, you dont have an airleak and your problem is with the throttle cable, or pilot circuit (idle screw), or something inside.

Try my test and report back.
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you dont have to spray the carb, you want to spray around the boot, the base gasket, the head gasket.