2000 Blaster idling problems


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
Me and my buddy went riding today and we hit a few mud holes and rode threw a creek. We hit a pretty deep spot in the creek and we kept riding. About thirty mins later we were hitting some mud holes and his blaster wouldnt idle for anything and it acted like the throttle was hangin and it took a few seconds for it to idle down. We got back to the shop and I took the carb off and cleaned it and the air filter but the air filter was real dirty so we took it off and but the lid back on and fired it up. It still wouldnt idle and when you rev it up it hangs completely wide open and the kill switch wont stop it. We just choked it and cut the gas off. Any ideas to what the problem could be?
its my buddys fourwheeler. I believe it has been removed. They guy he bought it from didnt know what all has been done to it.