2 deals i found

ohh gotcha!...and yes i have seen cheaper blasters but noot as good conditions and that on has a decent amount of AM pats
a 1000 for a 98 damn that seems really high i only paid 1200 for my 03 an it was mint an all stock except the brand new kenda claws
thas pry my biggest problem ive been born an raised on 2 strokes an it still makes me sick that they dont make quads as 2 strokes state side anymore im gonna wanna kill myself the day i gotta get a 4 stroke...........
bob there is the gas gas its a newer 2 stroke quad sold here in the US.
and i have heard rumors that KTM is devolping a 250 2 stroke quad.
hahahhaah trust me ride a 4 stroke and u will wanna stroke! hhhaahha there jiz in pants material hahhaha

i have rode a four poke and was wondering where the hell the power was.
besides after winter ill be putting down somewhere around 35hp. whats you 400 push out
yea i ride my buddies yfz its fun bit to me i just love the feel of a 2 stroke an hes just the oppisite of me. he loves his 4 stroke. even tho im always fixing it for him. not like it breaks down its just everytime he gets a new part he has me install it cause his not a backyard junkie like me lol.. i mean i love it but i just dont know what it is i just love my 2 strokes. ahhhh im so in love just being able to come on here an talk about quads. thats what my x hated about me so much she said id put them first lol sometimes i did cause i felt like i got more pleasure from my quads then i did here. ouch i know thats harsh but hey the truth hurts unless u face the facts of the truth then its all fun an games. lmao
i believe the 400ex pushes 30 hp stock......could be wrong...i remember reading something like that on atvriders.com....but might hae read wrong......and how will u be pushing 35 hp with a port, pipe, and reeds and carb(thats all i have heard u say u were gettin)?
bob there is the gas gas its a newer 2 stroke quad sold here in the US.
and i have heard rumors that KTM is devolping a 250 2 stroke quad.

for real man. when i read on the new 2 strokes ktm had it wasnt for state side but that was an article that i read about well hell almost 2 years ago i think. idk if id want to switch brands tho i love yamaha. hell my dodge has a stick that says yamahauler decal on the windshield. I:I
i believe the 400ex pushes 30 hp stock......could be wrong...i remember reading something like that on atvriders.com....but might hae read wrong......and how will u be pushing 35 hp with a port, pipe, and reeds and carb(thats all i have heard u say u were gettin)?

talk to kennedy power that man is insane with the work he does on blasters. he has dynos to prove it. he knows almost everything there is to know about 2 strokes.
talk to kennedy power that man is insane with the work he does on blasters. he has dynos to prove it. he knows almost everything there is to know about 2 strokes.

i still dont see how that will push 35hp with those mods....is there more to it......seriosly not just being a dick and disagreeing with you...i really woulld like to find out