take a look at these 2 deals i found near me.... there not bad
1998 yamaha blaster mint
1987 Suzuki LT 250R
1998 yamaha blaster mint
1987 Suzuki LT 250R
blaster01 i thought you were done with 2 strokes lol
i am!......just thought they were decent deals and figured it was a 2stroke forum soo y not share?
good point but if you dont want a 2 stroke y u postin up on 2 strokes...... i think he's still in love with 2 strokes an just dont know it. I:I
hahahhaah trust me ride a 4 stroke and u will wanna stroke! hhhaahha there jiz in pants material hahhaha
bob there is the gas gas its a newer 2 stroke quad sold here in the US.
and i have heard rumors that KTM is devolping a 250 2 stroke quad.
i believe the 400ex pushes 30 hp stock......could be wrong...i remember reading something like that on atvriders.com....but might hae read wrong......and how will u be pushing 35 hp with a port, pipe, and reeds and carb(thats all i have heard u say u were gettin)?
talk to kennedy power that man is insane with the work he does on blasters. he has dynos to prove it. he knows almost everything there is to know about 2 strokes.