1992 blaster popping and not opening up

Caleb Anderson

New Member
May 20, 2015
I have a 1992 blaster all stock no mods it will start and idle but when you crack the throttle it boggs and pops and cracks and has no power. Just instaled new boyson power reeds and compleetly rebuilt carb today also went around all seals and gaskets with carb cleaner and no change in idle i know for a fact it doesnt have any wires on the carb help?????
tors problem
timing of flywheel /stator
carb out of adjusment or whacked out aftermarket parts installed on carb lol
clean carb set float height
ngk b8es spark plug
clean air filter:)
other will reply/help give it a few
tors problem
timing of flywheel /stator
carb out of adjusment or whacked out aftermarket parts installed on carb lol
clean carb set float height
ngk b8es spark plug
clean air filter:)
other will reply/help give it a few
I even had the air fuel mixture all the way out in my hand and all the way in tight and it never changed
TORS "brain" box unpluged? 3 wire plug/box under hood. Unplug it. Parking brake switch?

Did it run correctly BEFORE you did reeds? Probably have air leak at reeds/carb boot.

Leak down test.
TORS "brain" box unpluged? 3 wire plug/box under hood. Unplug it. Parking brake switch?

Did it run correctly BEFORE you did reeds? Probably have air leak at reeds/carb boot.

Leak down test.
This is the way it was running before and the reason for reeds and carb