1989 Suzuki LT 250r


Oct 22, 2010
Western PA
Anyone have any info or experience with them. How do they do for trail riding. I am thinking about getting one but I always ride in trails. Its a straight up trade for my blaster.



correct sir!! the power valve makes them very stable on trails.. i have mine dialed in and can lug it at idle, crack throttle and roll the tires all the way threw the gear!! 300+ studs per rear tire and i can launch in second and dig 8th inch ruts in ice..

plenty of power, atermarket parts not as easy to find but there out there... there light also ( under300pounds)
also check the frame around the front shock mounts for cracks, and the swing arm for cracks, look for coolant leaks, and any odd rattles from the motor, .. it looks nice from what i can tell but ya gotta check the under lying issues it could have

i traded my blaster for my lt the first tiem around, and ended up with the lt back and becides my small issues i absolutly love the feel, the power and the predictability of it
He said it was just fully rebuilt except for new plastics so everything should be inspected and good but I will be checking it over for anything that seems wrong.
i would stay away from the 85-86 models and get a 87+. they had a better engine and better suspension. they are a great quad when properly maintained. i used to have a few..any specific questions, shoot.

FYI the quad in the pics looks like it has the 85 86 engine.
the 85-86 is non PV. has sh*tty front suspension.
the 87 had the bigger intake.
and the 90+ has the MX style rear shock.
Are you sure that's an 89? The color scheme of the plastic is the same as 85-86. Also I'm not positive because the picture quality is sh*t, but I think it has the 85-86 swinger. That's the round carrier.
Ya I know about the powervalve part but I also know that the quad went threw a full tear down paint job and rebuild so the motor could have been painted a different color. I would obviously prefer the newer one but im not sure I'll shut it down if it is the older style
The exhaust port is at an angle on the '85-'86 cylinder. On the '87+ the exhaust port comes straight out the front of the cylinder.
he didn't paint the engine or the plastic. no one paints an engine that gray but the retards at suzuki. there is a reason they change them to blue.
but 85-86 are:
non PV 5 speeds
round carrier
smaller front wheel travel
and i think the reed design is different

PV motor
square carrier.