03 redone lots of mods

no it isnt. it is an old wives' tale that will not die. Pennzoil actually makes some of the best oils that are widely available. How would they have ever stayed in business if they made junk?

I agrre I never heard that and Ive been running it for years in all my bike. But I do change it after every day of riding.

I even used it in my old KX125 race bike and never a problem.......
well pennzoil is made from parafin which is wax and thats why they say it cleans engine sludge and protects it. i have done many many engine rebuilds in my lifetime and take a engine that has been run with pennzoil for a few thousand miles and take one that hasnt. tear them both down and everytime the pennzoil one is dirtier. 10 times outta 10
plan on using type f and mc-1, friends gf's dad ownes bel-ray, gunna try for a hook up.lol

the yellow maier front is going on tomorrow after a quick light sanding and one more coat of flat black, tires flipped and rears mounted cant wait. as well as right bend pipe being ordered!!! yb is doing my + this weekend!! should be together in a 2 weeks the most!!!! :-)
wheel spacers just got shoved upp my a$$, egay seller removed item and deleted his account! better get refunded. ordering 2 sets now skipping wheel flip. BUTTt my trinity IV and chain guides will be here next week! MORE pics tomorrow with front plastics on maybe motor in.
so ordered got a lonestar stem bracket/clamp to big had to dremmel it, ordered a trinity stage iv.. out of stock 4 weeks back order!! screwed.. ordered dura blue wheel spacers for 55+sh wrong product listed... screwed... had my pure sport bandits mounted on new alum pro-wheels the shop put 50-60psi to seat it and leaves the air in blew the lip straight...
ordered itp t-9's,
vitos240 pipe in mail
yb200 shipping +4 out
motion pro clutch coming today
dura blue 2.5"/ side here this week
d-flex hand guards here today i hope
brake pads any day..........FINALLY done ordering
neeed jets and 2.5" uni......