00 blaster wont crank

alright could my coil have gone bad. because it seems that it is getting too much fuel mixture to the plug because when get a new plug and put in the boot but not in the engine it will spark sometimes and sometimes not. but i install it and i pull it out and the plug is wet on the tip and it wont ever spark agian
It's getting wet because it's not firing and burning the fuel off. It could be the coil or the stator. have you pulled the ignition side cover off and looked at the flywheel?
on the shifter side? where the generator or on the starter side. when i built the top end i checked all of that out. on both sides.
i have been trying to start it for two days and it did try to start twice yesterday but never did run
Let it sit the rest of tonight. Go out in the morning and put a clean plug in it. use the choke and kick it a few times and see what it does. Go through your wires and make sure there are no loose conections first before you try to start it.
alright man i appreciate the info. i wanna ride it this is my first quad i just hope i can get it runnin. ill see ya tom.
u think we can get it running or do i need to take it somewhere and pay a arm and a leg to get it fixed
now i am getting everything but fire. fuel is coming out of the spark plug hole without a spark plug in there and the plug aint firing what next. i already unplugged all the tors. stuff.
ok your piston works.. feul is in the cylander... no combustion? that means you dont have compression replace gaskets and tighten bolts tighter and make sure the plug is in tight...
it might be grounding out check that out it could really be something stupid because i did a rebuilt on an rt180 and its the same motor litterly as the blaster and i had problems with no spark from a ground
i got compression because i replaced everything and the kick start is hard to push. i just got no spark through the plug and i have not changed anything that i have been doing and i had spark last night and yesterday. so idk