00 blaster wont crank

The other jet is the pilot jet an is most likely clogged, its located right next to the main jet it will take a small flathead screw driver to reach it. You'll see it since its right next to the main jet.
i baught this quad for cheap and it is my first one and when i got done with the rebuild i went to work before the head was back on and my brother not knowing what he was doing dumped 2 stroke oil in the bottom of the engine will this hurt because i could not get it out. now the motor is put back together
he dumped 2 stroke oil in the bottom of the motor??? in the oil fill or where the crankshaft is before you put it together???
where the crankshaft is i talked to the service guy at the dealer and he said that it would smoke like crazy when it cranks but it will burn all that oil off.
if the carb is not giving fuel why wont the quad crank with starting fluid??
ahh sh*ttt that sucks heres what you do put regular oil in once you get it running and idle it for only like a minute you dont want it to blow up you just want it to get warm then flush the oil out via screw on bottom of motor... as for the kick starter it sounds like you need a new kickstart spring there fairly cheap.. make sure you have a gasket on hand and take off the actual kickstart before you take off the crank.. being lazy tends to cause more problems
He put the oil in where the connecting rod an crankshaft is at man, i did it to on one of my blaster but i did it for a reason. Yes it will smoke like crazy till its all burned out. no big deal.

put gas in the sparkplug hole put the plug in an wire on an see if she will fire up. if not an its gettin spark your timing could be off.
you have to narrow down what the problem is Spark air or feul.. i doubt its spark i belive u said the spark was fine earlier.. i highly doubt its air because ud know if it was and its probably feul.. maybe your read valve is broken and nothing can get in? orrr maybe theres old water or gas in the bottom of the carb.. if thats the case drain the carb with the screw on the bottom right side of the carb (shifter side) any luck??
blaster freak told me to dump gas in the spark plug hole and then try to crank it if no go then it is probably out of time. how do i adjust the timing of the engine
no i took the bowl off because at first when i would turn the fuel on it would pour out of the drain lines. so i took the bowl off and not it is not pouring but it still aint cranking
im not exactly positive but i beleive the bowl holds the mixture that goes to the engine?? umm tighten the screw on the botton right side of the carb shifter side of the bike.. use a flathead phillips strip the screw then put the bowl on and see if it over flows then... that screw is known as the drain screw for the carb sooo haveing it loos can pour gas out ahah oh btw leave the petcock off while you do this
oh and take off ur seat the timer im talking about or its rather known as the idle speed adjustor is under the seat just below the left side of the tank its a golden screw give it a couple turns to the right thats your idle speed adjustor and that may have sumthing to do with no combustion
it dont pour out any more since i took the bowl off it just wont fire off ...lol i just get so agrivated i want to ride the damn thing