It has been awhile. We are doing good, it's been really busy around here. We are getting ready for our trip to glamis and looking forword to getting our riding season started. How have you been latley? How is Landon liking that yFz? Talk to ya later.
eh the job is going okay its full time work the third shift kinda messes up a few things threw the day, but im starting to get used to it..
im keeping my eyes peeled for some good deals on some wheelers..
i found a tecate4 for $500 with all the parts there which is a good deal but im going to try and stick with a more common machine to make repairs easier..
It's been decent...just working really really hard for not a lot of money. Still waiting to get hired...It's a roller coaster with all of these departments saying yes no, no yes. Have not riddin my bike in a year I don't think. I think the last time I rode it was when I first got my port and polish done and that was back last Feb.
yeah ill be good to go as soon as i find a quad the moto4 had some more broken parts that i couldnt find any replacements for (for a price i was willing to pay)
ill keep you updated for sure..
but just one question how you ganna do a spring trip in august lol
it was hard for me to choose because they are the same price and the big gun matches my quad more lol but the reviews on the hmf is good so prolli just get that
well then let me be the first to say happy anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!
make sure you tell the wife john said happy anniversary too hahahah jk she would be like "uhhhhhh whos john" lol
wow ive got some rotten luck haha the guy just called me and said that the motor and exhaust was stolen so......time to hit up craigslist some more haha
hey man thanks alot!!!
you should let me know when you get the oven done so i can get the word out lol, i know when i get a quad again im goin with some powdercoating!!
i got a sweet 9.2 megapixel digital camera for christmas which was sweet haha..
im prolly ganna go and pick up a sand blasting cabinet here in a couple days for $50!!
ive got my eye on a few quads right now... all i have to do now is save up some $$ lol..