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  • hey for ur sug, make the blue porting and stuff ur offering first, and make it red. then have ur mx build stuff underneath, and eaither take out pic, or put it under porting stuff. ur marketing that, and u want it to bee seen, so make it stand out. just a little tip
    I'm sorry but i already set in movement A deal. So if that deal doesn't work, you will get it.

    Start Praying. :p
    srry man..... i just like doing the work myself...... makes me feel good about myself :p the oly thing i would have done for me is a boreing. i will def offer to pppl if u want me too
    what porting it your self??? I ordered the bits from msc a little while ago. So that's what I got planed for the weekend or when ever I get em in.
    idk man. its not that i dont trust u with the work, or anything like that, its just that when i first got into this whole thing, my first thought was that i wanted to do the work and everything myself. that way i can say ive came this far because of me and me only.
    if any one askes me or anything, i will deffenitly recommend ur services!
    common on man dont sound desperate...... ive only had one race, im not that big.....yet.
    lol how much would i charge?
    naaa man. i owuld have sent it to eaither u or KOR, but i wanted to do it for myself for the experience. but thanks man!
    I know!!! It might cost me $10.00 to return or exchange a $30.00 gas cap.. Im going to call Rocky Mountain ATV and complain and i hope they will exchange it for free...
    I sold a complete kit a while back for $200, and just today I sold just a silencer for $60....depends on who you find to buy
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