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  • Cmon down, you can use my welder.I can weld but I am no perfection artist.It's a 110 wire feed mig with gas.
    It should work fine,I use it all the time.Let me know if not and I wil scoop a set up asap.Be good bro.
    No problem at all,but I use paypal through rmatv also.Just select it on checkout,if not send me it as a gift and I will order asap.Be good bro
    Just waiting for parts to come back from the chromer so I can install and swap all the goodies over.Lots going on over here but mostly yard work and house painting.lol The honey do list never ends.haha under 8 weeks and off to nc to go tear it up.Talk to work yet and tell them you can't work cause you are having some surgery on your abdula oblongata.hehe Be good bro
    stiff is right,15 machines.Holy crow!!! Well a sat or sun morning will work for me,we can go for a few hrs so you have time to relax before work.I can come down early a.m. Lets try to do something in the next few weeks.Be good bro
    Well when you have a weekend or weekend morning free,lmk and we will set something up.btw you got my vote!!!I:II:I
    we will get him.We will just roost his ass and he will never be able to get by.lol do you usually work weekends.lmk
    lol deffinately some good footage.Nothing against this kid but I hope his parents say it's time to take it away before he does something dumb.4 times is too much lol 5 is only around the corner.I need to get down there soon so we can leave the craptor in the dust.haha
    No sh*t,I thought you were the first exit.lol I will find out soon enough.We need to get together for a ride here shortly,damn over time at work is killing me from riding, but not at buying parts.haha
    Whats happening.Got word from my buddy yesterday that he is moving to nashua.He is going to NC with me/us also.I asked what street but I forget now.lol I am pretty sure right by you,the first nashua exit.I'll let you know what street when I talk to him.Be good bro
    Heading out with the fam now.I will see if I can find the link in a bit when I get home.Be good bro
    No problem I got the shipping also bro.I looked for the link and couldn't find it.There was a nice set of itp t-9 rims front and rear with mint holeshots on them for $200 on cl near me,MA or RI.I think the rears were shee rims though but no biggie.If I come across them again I will shoot you the link.Be good bro
    No sweat bro.If you have another coupler that will work on a stock exhaust I will just swap with you.If not no sweat,keep it if it works well for you.Give me a minute I'll send you a better link for some tires and rims,not beadlocks though.Be good
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