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  • Well it's kinda started.I got the complete yz with a complete rebuilt lower end.I started to get most of the motor parts I need but I still need to send the cylinder out for porting.Braaps frame is for the yz build,he still has it at his house.So none of the welding and cutting has stared.But other than a few misc. items it is ready to be started.My plan is to cut up the yz frame and try to use the motor mounts on the existing frame and go from there.Other than buying the yz ordering a manual and some parts I have not done much mopre than thinking about it.lol This would be blasty # 4 for me.Most likely I will sell the other 2 when it is all done.Also I am pondering the idea of taking all the suspension off of my sig bike and putting it on the yz build and putting long travel on the sig bike.Should be sweet but again more money.haha Be good bro
    yes the kiddis get it all.lol But daddy bought himself a good present this year for the kids to give to me.haha I can't wait to start my build either.Be good bro
    I like the it/yz idea.Thats my winter project is to get braaps frame and put the yz power plant in it.Just waiting for the holidays to be over,the kids want everything.lol I will keep an eye and ear out for a power plant for you.Be good bro.
    Are we thinking hybrid time lol seen you going for the 490 motor looking to drop it in the blanshee or a new contender.Be good bro
    I get 4 hrs show up time so it made the ride alittle better.haha I took the blaster down to the industrial park near me,it was unplowed but the street I live on is a 45mph zone so it was pretty clear.Just gets you there faster.lol Good thing is I never like to ride in the street but in the winter cops are cool and just wave.The way I ike it.ha Be good bro.
    Yeah we got hit pretty good.I left my house at 5:45 a.m. to head to springfield over 2 hours away and after 2 1/2 hours in the truck I was only a 1/3 the way there.I turned around and headed home,wasn't worth the time.In thwe end I had to work a 13 hour shift today so I could get the job done.Good thing was I took the beater blaster out for a snow run when I got home so it made it all worth it.lol Be good bro.
    Good deal.I am going to have to grab aset as a spare just to have.Getting any snow up there.Be good bro
    good deal on tha ball joints bro.Sorry have not been on in a few weeks.Same part # I gave you.LMK Be good bro
    man i still have had no luck.. dude those fenders are big.. its gonna be like 20 bucks to ship em..
    send me a pic of those ball joints.I have the part number that you need for burgards ball joints and you can just go get them at the local parts store.LMK Bro
    Sounds good,Weekends are the only times that work for me cause of the job.I know for sure I will not get a day off till,not this weekend but the following one.Works been crazy busy 7 days a week 12 hrs a day.Money is killer but the body hurts.lol Maybe we can try and do it in 3 weeks cause most likely I will spend my next available with the wife and kids since I don't see enough of them right now.LMK be good bro.
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