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  • I cannot access inbox, start convos, or create threads. Is this system wide or just me?
    Sorry about that, Its not just you, working on it.
    Looks like everything is working now.
    Hi bro I paid my subs a few days ago and have not been rewarded with a green name, does it take a while to happen, many thanks re Gerry.
    gonna try this messaging
    the last PM i sent you is still trying after at least a minute
    Hey Cbaber, miss ya buddy, haven't seen you in years - I've been gone since god only knows how long - hope all is going well on the site -- if it helps out, i stop by and click links for ya on occasion :P
    Thank you for taking care of that. All I was doing was making sure that my photo album completely deleted, the other day. My computer did something screwy in the process. I'm not looking for trouble.
    i would like to pay for super noobers renewal of a supporting member for 1 YEAR ONLY!!! for next year ok?
    hey how long/when do i turn green? i got 2 of ur pms, but nothing happened. BlaasterVV paid for a subscription, and i got ur om, and it says it will expire in 2013, but i dont have anything in user cp about it. shouldent it say group membership?
    08-13-2012 02:23 AM

    Hi there, I should like to pay for Quadrider10 supporting member fees.

    I will make a $10 donation, if you could please arrange to have Q10 listed as a supporting member.

    Many thanks re Gerry.

    I donated $20 for this to happen, and you informed me that it was not the correct way for it to be done.

    On your advice I donated another $10 to a seperate account for "Quadrider10" to be honoured as a supporting member.

    To my knowlege this has not yet happened, and I would appreciate that you do it at your earliest convenience,

    Many thanks re Gerry.
    Hi there, I should like to pay for Quadrider10 supporting member fees.

    I will make a $10 donation, if you could please arrange to have Q10 listed as a supporting member.

    Many thanks re Gerry.
    Hey bro what's the deal u never messaged me back i sent u like 3 messages wondering if I am ever going to get my blaster of the month background and extc I won back in December and now in April how come I haven't got a pm like u said???? Whats the deal bro
    I paid my subscriptions fee on May 8th 2012!! So why am i paying the subscriptions fee again on May 12, 2012?
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