YFZ vs Blaster Engine Rebuild

OConnor Racing

Mines Bigger
Forum Supporter
Dec 1, 2009
Just some info.

The four stroke will definitely empty your wallet much faster than a two stroke. If you compare a basic rebuild of a 2004 YFZ vs. a 2004 Blaster you'll see what I mean. I used Wiseco list pricing for both builds. I'm sure you can find these parts cheaper if you look. Both engines will have the top ends, connecting rods, gaskets and main bearings replaced.

Piston = $188
Top end gaskets = $97
Bottom end gaskets = $73
Rod Kit = $141
Main Bearings = $ 80
Total = $579

Piston = $112
Gaskets = $44
Mains and seals = $44
Top end bearing = $16
Rod Kit = $91
Total = $307

The Blaster is about $270 less for the parts. Not that big of a deal. Because the engines are so different, other factors will need to be considered. The 2004 YFZ engine is seven years old and the head will require disassembly and inspection. Valve seals came in your gasket kit and need to be installed. This will cost you nothing as long as you have a valve spring compressor. A seven year old YFZ engine will reveal a few surprises upon inspection. The valve spring tester reveals a 30% loss in tension and the faces of all five valves are pitted. Wiseco titanium valves will run you $130 each. That's $650 and an aftermarket spring and retainer kit will run $230. You can save a bunch of loot if you use OEM parts. Five valves and springs will only cost $375. This brings the total of the parts on our YFZ build to $954. More than three times as much as the Blaster parts.

Considering you have all of the special tools and equipment required to assemble the crank, cut valve seats, and assemble the engines, you're done. What if you need to pay for the labor? Here's where things start to come to light. I'll use labor rates from another shop.

Valve Job = $180
Split and reassemble bottom end = $475
Reassemble top end = $250
rebuild crankshaft = $75
Total Labor = $980

Bore cylinder = $55
Split and assemble bottom end = $175
Assemble top end = $75
Rebuild crankshaft = $75
Total = $380

The YFZ engine is once again almost three times the price. Here's the comparison for each engine.
YFZ rebuild with OEM valve components = $1934
YFZ with aftermarket valve components = $2439

Blaster rebuild = $687

Other things to consider:
The YFZ cylinder head costs $800 - $1000 new and $300 - $500 used.
The YFZ has cams that cost about $200 each new.
You cant bore the YFZ. Plating will run you $130 - $180.
Valve shims run $7 @.

A total melt down of the YFZ engine has the potential of relieving your bank account of $3000 - $4000. Look before you leap.
Holy sh*t ken that is an awsome right up on that. way to break it down this should be coppied and pasted onto every one of these threads. or start a new thread and sticky it.
geez...just when i was thinking of getting Jordan a 4 stroke practice quad....thanks for putting the figures together and HAPPY EASTER
this was right on time, after i just saw someone tell one of our younger members that 2 and 4 stroke motors could be rebuilt for similar costs, i knew that was total bullshit, but didnt wanna enter a gunfight without any bullets,
thanx for that case of ammo ken !!!!!!!!
If you bought one of them brand new and took meticulus care of it at some point it would still need a rebuild. The piston style alone is such that with not much wear it starts rocking in the bore, increasing the wear rate. I saw a high comp piston in Parts Unlimited catalog that was almost $300, and don't think it included rings. So word to the wise here if you ever think of going four choke, it better look showroom new (not re-paint) if you buy. Also the power per dollar on hop ups is even worse. Would be easy to spend $2000 and maybe pick up 10 hp. X(

JMHO :o your results may and will vary I:I
this is why i love 2 strokes.....even JUST doing a piston/ring/bore on my old lt185 suzuki was around 250-300 bucks....and we didn't even get into the head!!!!!

that was on old low perf 4 stroke......and when i priced doing my moto4 200 i was going to have a ton of money just in parts to get it ready to go again. i think i was about 500-600 bucks in parts/labor
yeah, you can go broke working on a race engine for a 450 4-stroke real fast lol....

and the high compression pistons may be super expensive, but the make an unbelievable difference... and they last longer then a stock piston...
Good info bro!!! You needs to sticky this so when someone claims you can rebuild a 2 stroke and a 4 stroke at a similar cost we can throw this info in there face...lol...I:I
but in comparison how many times would you have to rebuild a two stoke before you have to rebuild the four stoke?
I rebuilt a YFZ for $320 and had leftover to install Kibblewhites and it came out to around $500. To each their own. The titanium valves were fine too.

Every situation is different. How bad the damage is......or hell......if there is any "damage" at all.

Likewise, I could show a 2 stroke banshee and it costs twice as much as a Blaster to rebuild......for common sensical reasons. A lot is common sensical in engine size. No doubt the valves and added gaskets will run some added money, but it's not that much.

Biggest rule of thumb?........learn how to work on engines and do it yourself and you will save yourself enough money to buy another entire ATV.
but in comparison how many times would you have to rebuild a two stoke before you have to rebuild the four stoke?

if we are talking race engines, about the same...

EDIT: actually thats not true lol... my blaster lasted one season, at the end it threw a crank... my 450r has already had one season and we are going into the second...
if we are talking race engines, about the same...

EDIT: actually thats not true lol... my blaster lasted one season, at the end it threw a crank... my 450r has already had one season and we are going into the second...

Yeppers. Once you start playing with compression and cams, things take a beating just about as much as much as a 2 stroke. The guys racing those 450s are nuts. I heard about one batshit crazy dude that was rebuilding his top end after every race. :o I was like god damn bro.......I'm not sure it needs it THAT often. :D

EDIT: How many races did you have in the season? That's not bad at at all.
Yeppers. Once you start playing with compression and cams, things take a beating just about as much as much as a 2 stroke. The guys racing those 450s are nuts. I heard about one batshit crazy dude that was rebuilding his top end after every race. :o I was like god damn bro.......I'm not sure it needs it THAT often. :D

EDIT: How many races did you have in the season? That's not bad at at all.

I think I ran about 30 motos in both seasons, and about maybe 8-10 hours of practice....
if we are talking race engines, about the same...

EDIT: actually thats not true lol... my blaster lasted one season, at the end it threw a crank... my 450r has already had one season and we are going into the second...

i dont race im just a regular trail rider,im only asking becuse i love my blaster but i was thinking in getting a bigger quad and i was thinking a yfz or raptor
i dont race im just a regular trail rider,im only asking becuse i love my blaster but i was thinking in getting a bigger quad and i was thinking a yfz or raptor

A stock 450 4-stroke can go years without a rebuild.. I got a friend who had a 06 450r that he rides almost every weekend, even in the winter... and he has done nothing to the engine... not even a valve job....

I have another friend that had a 1994 300ex that have never had anything done to it and he rides it 4-5 times a week all year round... he has a pipe and an intake on it and did not touch jetting, that thing should have blown up a long time ago lol..
i rind my blaster a least once a week and i take it on trails and mx tracks as u can see from my sig pic :D and i push it hard and the engine is totally stock and has no signs of giving up yet but im going 2 do a comp test on it