yamaha blaster wont start


New Member
Feb 21, 2013
Heyy guys i have a 91 yamaha blaster that ran great i was riding it and it died on me and then i started it back upp and it was running at a high rev and it kept stalling on me and now when i kick it over it doesnt even sound like itt wants to start idk any help would be very helpful thanks
possible things your symptoms point to are ..air leak, broken/cracked reed petal and dirty carb.

click the bottom link below my sig pic below for troubleshooting guide and links to threads
how does it feel when you kick it? its it tight or feel like its kinda binding up? or is it more free? or the same as it was before that happened?
:( So sad to Welcome you to the DIRT PILE !! under these circumstances.
Also check your fuel level. Check that fuel flows freely from petcock. How Cold is it there. List your mods and jetting too.
Please explain the death, what did it do, lock up, bog out, any noises, sound like running out of fuel.

Please be as explanatory as possible?