X( banshee gone


New Member
Mar 20, 2008
fell off my shee on saturday got knocked out cant really remember a thing
was going over a ramp made of pallets i think didnt go hard enough and the nose hit the ground and threw me off it hit my head pretty hard luckly
was wearing my helmet even still my face was cut up and ended up in hospital for 2days when i got home quad gone my family all decided i was careless on it and hav stored it somewere i cant get it! im soo mad atm
flipped out big time such dicks like X( gotta learn from mistakes but this is abit much!
WHAT! That blows man. Good thing your ok though.
Id biotch at them left and right. If someone ever took my quad and put it away, I would flip.
yea thats pretty bad but at least you know they care about you... One of my best freinds died on a quad in the street w/ no helmet on. He came around a turn way fast cause a cop was chasing him and he hit a parked truck broke his neck and died on the way to the er. I knew him since I was a kid
i knw itd be different if i knew were d quad is could go steal it back or something
steal my mams car maybe an hav a swap car for quad :L
sh*t man sorry bout that thats bad!
with my mam doh theres caring and and wrappin me in cotton wool which is what shed luv to do! never wanted me to hav a quad since i first gt sh*tty one! its d one thing i really enjoy n she goes an takes it away soo pissed bou it :(
that story is real man Im not some punk liar on here man. You got lucky. If you act right and earn it back, im sure there not keeping it forever. -u better hope not
Yeah dude they only took it because they care. It makes you pissed but they are only protecting you. My mom hates quads. She always gets scared when ever I ride because she knows I like to push the limits, but I do know the limits, sometimes ;)
One thing ive learned is the quad is a machine that you cant take that for granite. You gotta know your limitations. Good luck getting it back though man!
i dint say you were man.. i knw i was very luck if i wasnt wearing armour and a helmet i wud probably be dead or paralised! my mam will probably use this as an excuse to never give it back she didnt even pay for it was my own money!
yeah same with mine really hates anything to do with them!
never wanted me to get one.. and she also knws like ur mom i push the limits cos ppl being given out about me goin mad up an dwn were i live but im not really careless jus like power an speed like you i knw wen to be responsible but my mam dnt belive so..
cud be a while getting it back if i do.. give me time to save up for a few mods i suppose :)
ori ok sorry again man...
dunno what ill do with my spare time now
still have my scrambler doh lol
one thing im afraid of is shell sell the shee :(
wow your very lucky
banshee are heavy machines and for one to land on top of you at 16 would have been sore.

if its yours report it stolen, she has to give you what is yours back but she will probably get quite angry.
Dude i would freak the f*ck out on my parents, I'm not gonna lie, i've put about $2000 in mods on my bike, if they did anything to it beside wash it for me or move it or something i would start cussing and yelling and hitting things. My bike is my pride and joy.. It's my baby... Idk what i'd do w/o it..

Anyways good to hear your okay man, ride safe :P
"if its yours report it stolen, she has to give you what is yours back but she will probably get quite angry" haha thats funny nt bad idea but might get into more trouble for riding it on de road :L
yeah it was quite after and even now me head kills me on strong painkillers doh:)
i cant reallly remember hw sore it was at the time :S ha im very lucky doh
very glad i was wearing a helmet!
Dude i would freak the f**ck out on my parents, I'm not gonna lie, i've put about $2000 in mods on my bike, if they did anything to it beside wash it for me or move it or something i would start cussing and yelling and hitting things. My bike is my pride and joy.. It's my baby... Idk what i'd do w/o it..

Anyways good to hear your okay man, ride safe :P

yeah i knw what you mean man i go on it lyk every day dno what ill do nw :(
difference is im only 16 ur 18 so i cant really do much X( its like OUR HOUSE OUR RULES soo annoying lol
Hmmm, a ramp made of pallets you say? So they have rednecks in Ireland too? Sorry, JK:D. Glad you're OK, but you're only 16, and the way I see it, it's your parents responsibility to protect you from what they feel is unecessary harm. Show some responsibility and earn their trust and they'll likely give it back to you. Stop the whining, it just shows them you haven't learned anything.
I say this as a parent, so I'm able to look at it from their POV maybe. If my kids got crippled for life doing something I thought they weren't able to handle responsibly, I'd feel like I didn't fulfill my role as a parent, and likely would be haunted for it for the rest of my life. Again, I'm glad you're not seriously injured, and I hope things work out for you.
start hiding their sh*t , works both ways . I spent an entire summer messing with my moms head by re-arranging the house on a daily basis , she took my air rifle and pistol from me cause I accidentally shot the neighbors useless dog . so she messed with me , I messed with her head . she got so frazzled , but just couldn't figure out what exactly was going on , it took her 3 days to figure out I swapped the hinges on the refrigerator door ( bang ) why's it hitting the pantry door? ( bang ) why's it hitting the pantry door ?frickin great time .
yeah i knw what you mean man i go on it lyk every day dno what ill do nw :(
difference is im only 16 ur 18 so i cant really do much X( its like OUR HOUSE OUR RULES soo annoying lol

Well its still my parents house so its still their rules, they just can't really do much about it since im legally an adult. Like i said, i would freak the f*ck out and i'd probably go on a killing spree to be honest.
yeah hear what your saying too doc_speeder but i dno if they even see it like that
ther completly anti quads my whole family its soo annoying whole family against me on it! only cos theyve slow farm quads ha:P but i may put up with it an hope they do give it back :) or wait till im 18 and go wild :L jk.. and like you said about something happended itd haunt you thats what my step dad was sayin to my nan an she told me and usually he wud be with me on stuff like this...

ha rearragin de house thats a classic man! hours of fun :L i wanna try that lol
iv been giving them the silent treatment and all since it an actin lyk overly sad :L
then 2day my mam said hw do i feel about quad being gone and she said she feels sorry for me... SHES STARTIN TO CRACK lol