WTT: My shock/springs for yours

so i've got yellow springs on my shocks, and i'm not too big on the color with the blue. Looking for a WHITE set... so i you got a GOOD set of shocks with white springs let me know, i'll trade you my good yellow set.

Located in NC. Prefer local, shipping is a MOFO on big or heavy parts!

Thanks in advance!

here's a pic for reference, on the quad:
paint them biotches, i've done a few sets and they held up good, just wiggle some wide masking tape, in pieces under the springs and spray bomb away
well im likely to paint, as i cant find anyone who is willing to swap me white for yellow.....

Any way i can remove the springs from the shocks to paint them easier???

ive never done it but others have but i have heard without a spring compresser its very hard or dangerous or something to that afect id just tape them off it would probley be way eaiser
Send me a Pm... Ive taken all my factory shocks apart with my custom spring compressor and never had any problems. If you want, ill get them PC'ed white for you at a cost...
I have an almost set of new white yamaha shock covers for the blasty I will let go cheap.I have 3 in total to do all of your shocks.Save you some time and shipping costs.If interested send me a p.m.