works shocks cheap on ebay

holy sh*t,$50-0 bids at 1 hour sumthin, $83-17 bids at 7 minutes, hope it's some bro's on here, still good price

$108 .....who got 'em???????????
any idea what those are mounted to? wonder if they'd bolt to a blasty....i might get to find out for that money lol
Ended: Jan 09, 201009:24:45 PST
Bid history: 25 bids
Winning bid: US $108.49
yeah the dude that got 'em only bid once, the one that counted
so did you get 'em noob????????

edit, you got 'em 794???? i was hopin someone on here grabbed them, thats why i posted them up, cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nope, ive spent my blaster budget on engine sh*t over teh last few weeks lol. looks like it was blasterboy, good job man!! I:I