work boots and no heel gaurds = disaster

dayum brah that blows hardcore. mx boots would prevent that sh*t. nerfs and mx boots. heel gaurds not so much up there in safety id think.

just gonna qwickly share this story with everyone, before i go prop my "almost ripped off" foot back up, i've been runnin my new blasty, just like i ran my old one for 8 yrs., with just pegs, no floorboards, no heelgaurds, and just workboots, well that just caught up with me, after my boot laces got caught in the chain and sucked my foot back under the tire and axle, after sitting there on the bike for a few minutes (i couldnt get my foot out, so i was stuck there) i decided it was time to call 911, it took them an hour to find me in the stripjob i was riding in, by then my whole leg was numb, and i may have been close to going into shock, when they finally reached me, and said they were gonna gimme a shot of morphine, before removing me from the bike, i knew it was bad, well, i looked down right before they loaded me into the helicopter, to see my foot facing completely backwards, i ended up with a free chopper ride, a severly dislocated ankle and both bones in my lower leg broken, i know have 4 screws in the ankle, and 6 - 8 weeks with no work, all because i thought my heelgaurds looked better sittin in the garage, i'll never ride without them, or better yet, some aftermarket metal ones and some good ridin boots again, like always, i like to learn things the hard way
had i not been just putting around in second gear, it may have ripped my foot completly off, so all you guys, put those ugly heelgaurds back on, they serve a very good purpose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ouch man that musta hurt
WELL, looks like i'm buying some heel guards, I definately don;t need that happening to me OUCH! Glad your Ok man, hope you heal quickly and fully!

Thanks for the advice!
Another good tip is to tuck your laces in. I've been out riding streetbikes with guys who slowly tipped over at stop lights because they couldn't put their feet down. Kinda funny to watch actually. Laces will get caught up in everything, pegs, sprockets, and chains.

Looks like that was pretty rough, glad you still have a foot.
I had that happen to me on my bike when i was little, worry about it every time i ride ever since. THing that sucks the most is you damn near have to learn how to walk again, your thy will disappear from the lack of use and more than likely the muscle attached to your tib and fib is pretty messed up. All this from a cookie gone wrong in a rhino, was wearing sandels :(. Like i always say, live to learn
Glad you're ok man. I'm shuddering at the thought of being in that position. I recently ripped off my heel guards because they were just hanging there and really had no way to protect me. I think the best solution would be boots with straps, but that still wouldn't prevent your leg from getting pulled under by the tire. I ride with shoes and I tuck in my laces, but I still worry about it. I wonder how bad it would have been if you had aluminum heel guards...would the laces snap or would they practically sever your foot? Scary thought regardless...
thanx for linkin back to this, i was givin thoght to the same mods.but not after hearin that. glad you are alright and especially that the blasty made it out alright! lol
Man that sucks! It's a great way to scare people into getting nerfbars or heelguards, that's for sure. I'm gonna make sure I always tuck my laces in from now on.
My 02 doesn't have heel guards. I have been looking to get some. I think sooner than later now after your story. I have thought about my foot getting hung up. If it can happen, it will to me! Good luck on your recovery!
same thing happened to me i was on the back of my friends blasty and my foot got a real nice rubber burn for about a good 3-4 months it was black gross right but now i have a gnarly scar
Sorry to hear about that awk. I guess you can always be fortunate that it wasnt anything worse. Great the price of heal guards on ebay just doubled, lol. My little brother had just asked me to get him a pair for his blaster.
well, you guys are bringin this back from the dead, but glad i'm still gettin an important safety issue across,
almost 1 year now, and the foot is doing good, a little stiff in the mornings sometimes, and have 2 permanent pins in the ankle and one helluva rubber burn scar right below my knee
and i always wear mx riding boots nowadays
Wow...this is also why I dont plan on messing with my heel guards. When I was 16 on my first blaster My laces got wraped up, it sucked me down under the quad. Luckily my laces broke. I had to get several MRIs and the fluid drained from my knee. I would say i got lucky. This was all because I thought it looked better without that garbage....