wont rev??

? im only talking about 1 wire that plugs into clutch perch...if you unplugged it and left it dangeling around IT WONT REV! do you have pics? do you have a 5 wire stator? is the throttle slide in carb fully opening?
your first post says that you deleted tors...then it says that you tested parking brake senor?...you cannot test the sensor if you deleted the THROTTLE OVER RIDE SYSTEM??? .. 2 wires on bars 1 on clutch ..1 on thumb throttle ..1 on top of carb...that 3 wires total..then it is deleted. but you have to twist thumb throttle wire toghter...then twist wire on top of carb toghther....and leave the clutch wire unplugge,at both ends....then it is deleted...
? im only talking about 1 wire that plugs into clutch perch...if you unplugged it and left it dangeling around IT WONT REV! do you have pics? do you have a 5 wire stator? is the throttle slide in carb fully opening?

Okay on the outside of the wire it looks like one but theres two in it right?? Yes I have a 5 wire stator...and yes its opening
your first post says that you deleted tors...then it says that you tested parking brake senor?...you cannot test the sensor if you deleted the THROTTLE OVER RIDE SYSTEM??? .. 2 wires on bars 1 on clutch ..1 on thumb throttle ..1 on top of carb...that 3 wires total..then it is deleted. but you have to twist thumb throttle wire toghter...then twist wire on top of carb toghther....and leave the clutch wire unplugge,at both ends....then it is deleted...

Everywhere I unplugged tors I twisted wires together is that what I should so??
yes.....your over thinking this there is a thread how to delete it ..i believe awk pointed it out to you..I will try to find a pic or summin to show you :)
you twist the wires toghther on thumb throttle and on top of carb NOT ON THE PARKING BRAKE/CLUTCH PERCH/
All i was try to tell you was to unplug the wire on your parking break...thats all brotha.
go outside and unplug this at both ends and leave it unplugged throw it away...come back and tell me if it worked..

parking break.jpg
yes do it..then rev this chit out of your blaster lol :) un plug it you should be able to throw it as far as you can when your done it is not going to hurt ANYTHING JUST HELP EVERYTHING
?if that did not work,then you have no compression,or its your stator...i dont know man other people will give you advice i tried :)
I unplug and twisted tors under seat and up under hood is that how u delete them??


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