why do people suck??!!


Oct 12, 2008
so awhile ago i buy this blaster 900 bucks cash the kid i bought it from says hes got a rear hydraulic brake setup coming that he bought off ebay that comes with it if i wait for it,i say sure . so right now its got only front brakes which you all know how much they suck,
ive been wiating about a month for them to arrive , im pretty patient when it comes to stuff like this . so i email him a couple days ago aksing where its at ,whats goin on ,ya know all that junk
i get this email back a minute ago saying "somebody offered me 120 for it so i sold it."
any thoughts on what i should do?
im so pissed i wanna burn his house down
I RUCK!!!! lol thats why there are things called "contracts" so when something like this happen you sue there ass for even more!!!! lol, soryy bout that,good luck, make him pay yu a few bucks
tell him "buddy you said you were giving me the hydro setup when it came, i want part of what you sold them for because they were supposed to be mine in the first place"

if all else fails, burn his house down.
well he lives pretty far away so i wont be bringin the blasty up
does anybody know of a good way to send a computer virus to people without f*ckin up your own comp???
hahaha yeah i do but it's harmless..... all it does is shut your computer off lol

just look it up on youtube......thats what i did lol
^ lol for a second there i thought u might be one of those virus making assholes. a little fun virus is iight like the ones you joke with with friends. i sent my buddy one that continuiously restarted your pc, and when it logged in you had 30 seconds to guess a number between 1 in 10 and it didnt change. lol dick move but he sent me this thing that f*cking screwed with my firefox and made it so i couldnt close it then it started playing a porn vid lol. luckily my comps in my own room.
^ lol for a second there i thought u might be one of those virus making assholes. a little fun virus is iight like the ones you joke with with friends. i sent my buddy one that continuiously restarted your pc, and when it logged in you had 30 seconds to guess a number between 1 in 10 and it didnt change. lol dick move but he sent me this thing that f*cking screwed with my firefox and made it so i couldnt close it then it started playing a porn vid lol. luckily my comps in my own room.

^^^ he never did get rid of that virus and you kno why :-D
its just some kid that lives with his parents ,ill probably go pay them a visit ,if that doesnt work well idk but its not good
Yea I would talk to the parents first, remember if you go destroying the yard or burning the house down that you are really messing with his parents personal property and that would get reallly ugly in court if you were caught. Explain to his parents that their son said he would complete the sale this way, then decided that he wanted to sell the rear brakes to another person leaving you with an unsafe quad.