Jesus Christ this gets asked every day, ppl read the sticky in the marketplace, and you need to be a supporting member or have 300+ posts, its to try and keep it clean . Also you posted on the wrong section!
Jesus Christ this gets asked every day, ppl read the sticky in the marketplace, and you need to be a supporting member or have 300+ posts, its to try and keep it clean . Also you posted on the wrong section!
And it got asked again. Sorry. I don't have a lot of time to search for sh*t which is why i asked. And you knew that before you read it so stop bit=chin!
And it got asked again. Sorry. I don't have a lot of time to search for sh*t which is why i asked. And you knew that before you read it so stop bit=chin!
It's not a search,it is a sticky in the marketplace section.One click and you could have read it.I agree with dareal,take a minute before posting away on the same questions.Callig people a d*ck will not get you far around here.IMO
Calling people names will not get you far at all. It will get you infractions and banned. When you click on any link in the marketplace section the rules for the marketplace section are the first thread in the section.
I think it could have went without the input from dareal though i mean im still pretty new to this forum and I never really read the rules for posting I just wanted to get my blasty running and try to help others who had problems with there blasty... oh and I was going to ask the same thing but this cleared it up lol
Wade through the crap up in here and you will get some good info....thats for sure....a lot of peeps up in here vent or are quick to jump sorta speak....dont mind them...they will go away...lolI:I