i said james but dungey probally will win since reed is always hurting james or james is going so fast he is out of control and gets passed... but i want james to win since he is on Yamaha or Tedesco
Dungey used to race the series with us, he is a nice and clean rider who likes to learn and is always improving and training on and off the track (a young Ricky). I like Sterwart but thinks he owns the track and rides past his abilities which could hurt himself or others. In the past he took his skills for granted and did not train hard. He tends to pull out through other peoples lines, last year he was better but this year he is back to his old ways. Reed started to ride like Bubba as they bang bars, I just hope no one gets hurt and we see some good racing with no excuses
that crash with ricky really wasent his fault he had the faster line and didnt think he would come up that fast to him.. the ones with reed in them when he crashes with reed usally its reeds fault.. i hope the season is good to and i am happy reed will be out a bit i cant stand him.. dungey is gonna win if this keeps up with james
this year just trying it out see if i want to keep dumping money into this old dino... nice do it seeing a banshee lose to a blaster would be my dream.. they better not drop the class