who watches...


New Member
Apr 11, 2009

Okay, this is screwed up, sorry. 3 Years ago my neighbor came over to talk to me. He ended up glued to the TV watching a TV show that I assumed was another "reality" BS show that came on after American Idol.

I have since become addicted to this show! I have purchased all of the seasons on DVD and since my credit is so bad...I have my Dad DVD the episodes for me on Mondays. I am just now watching yesterdays episode all the while paying more attention to the forum...I'm actually enduring the commercials.

Apparently they're running out of medical plots and have turned to a Soap Opera style format..."who's in love with who"...

Greg House is ME! and MY brother. and MY Dad. My other brother...?

Just curious
My buddy has all the seasons on DVD so I watched them all and I became addicted as well. I like his repsol bike..

It was weird when I found out he has a deep british accent.
My favorite one was when he shot a dead guy in the head then put him thru the MRI machine to see if the bullet was magnetic and ruined the MRI machine.
Loved the dead guy shot..."he's already dead". Funny as hell.

Oh, and it's never Lupus.

Favorite scene so far was Cuddy in the strip tease. Little, how would you spell...ris-kay?...for cable