well the first one for the money, considering you live near green bay, I live in michigan. So in the aspect of tires it gives you year round. Personally the other one could only use a few fixer uppers all appearance, as opposed to the 02 which is less. Where as the 200 you save could easily go back into aftermarket reeds, or even a powdercoated frame. Pretty plain and simple living in the northern states where snow is a regular you get a stock banshee, btw is still very fast w/o aftermarket items. I am no pro hear so I cant say motor specs but by apperance and const of items Id say the 02 is the best because the year, looks, and its basically stock. If you deal with the 98 you will have to take note of what has been done so you know what to order if something goes wrong. Besides that why would they redo the top end? Could be a sign of overheating or just bad maintenance, than again it could just be maintenance, but its good to ask what all was done when it was rebuilt, especially if it was bored or ported you may have to think about future repairs, if the bore is already max, meaning you will have to replace alot more in that case as opposed to boring and new piston and rings. I believe that is how it works. I am new to it but I think I learned a little. IM really jealous though my next toy will have to be a banshee, but I really want to keep a project blaster going..... who knows and good luck. Again Id go with number one but thats from a less mechanical person maybe someone with a little more knowlege could give you advice.
Note: if I am not wrong those tack tires can cost alot and are very useful in winter if you ride, I took my blaster on my lake frozen and those would have helped alot..
Either one would be nice, but the price seems steep to me how long have you been looking, I see them in michigan for around 1500 stock for 90's models and also 1800 for 2000's I personally like the late 80's because its all like a beta, kinda so its easier to modify and upgrade, plus the origonal purchase is cheaper. I found a 89 on craigslist for 1350 and a local shop has like a 88' for 1300. I almost sold my blaster for it.