wheel spacers


Nov 4, 2009
nanty glo pa
got my wheel spacers today put them on b4 id try to do dounuts in 3rd and it would try to flip sometimes now if i hit the gas it just whips sideways with out any problems i herad they made a haindling differnce but it turns so much nicer i love it I:I but theres bad news ive had problems with my right new for about 2 years i pope it out 3 almost 4 inches and today i was pratcin g my wheels i can get them pretty good 3rd gear rev it a good bit and pop the cluctch i can get like 50 feet on one with a good day well i was trying to get some good ones behind my house and i kept spining so fianly it grab one i was going good then alli hear is pop stoped the quad can bearly get off and when i do i look down guess what i see hanging off my leg so i push it back in OUCH and now i cant beraly walk and my mom called my doctor even tho i told her not to and hes saying they might have to operrate on it so good day went to bad :(
my knee poped outa place again it was my knee hanging off my leg and no i cant bend it its swelled red as a firetruck and they think they gota operate on it if so they can go to hell cause usauly it does more harm then good
getig it knocked out almost 4 inches that time i had to go to the hospital 6 months on crutches4 months of therapy and 5 months of wearing a j brace to make sure it dont go no where
that really sucks bro. i have knee/back/ankle issues, but that's from playing strong side defensive line in high school....when i weighed 140-150 lbs......and the other guys were 250+ lol
yea it does suck worst part is goign to the doctors and stuff i hate hospitals and doctors and all that stuff i tryed tellin my mom that im not going but she called my pap cause my pap lives right down the road from my doctor so my mom called my pap and when she was on the phone i sat next to her telling my pap she was lying and stuff but i guess i got an apointment tomorow number one reason not to go no quad is probley whats gana happen and i had to do that b4 and it just plain out sucks having a perfectly good blasty siting in your garage all alone and nobody that can ride it but i guess il find out tomorow hope nothin realy wrong tho mabey its just sweled up or something and needs soe rest idk but everyone wish me luck cause i dont wana go threw knee surgrey :(
well got back from te doctors earlier and i gota wear a j brace for a week and go t therapy and if it dont get better they dont kno what to do but they took x rays everythings fine just my knees to weak and i guess my left knees to weak so i gota do therapy for both but my left dont bother me but good news tho cause i didnt get my bl;asty taken away so got some good riding today and gana get somemore in tomorow
dude i feel ya, i tore my ACL and meniscus in my right knee like 2 months ago and i'm getting surgery the 21st...but if you need operation get it! you will have issues in the long run though regardless if you have the surgery or not.
Good luck with that mate, im a sports therapist and training to be a physio/osteopath, if you got ne questions feel free to ask, if you were in England i'd say come down and see my mum, shes been doin it 25 odd years.
Usually its the ACL, Medial Collateral Ligament and Medial Meniscus are most vulnerable, but genetic predispositions, and previous injuries can acuse sublaxations of the ligaments.

Back to blasters tho, lol, u were saying that wheel spacers were good, i seen sum nylon ones, which add 2" on rear wheels, they are a lot cheaper than a wider axle, and as i'm a student every penny helps. Would people reccomend the spacers over the wider axles? Cheers mate.
wider axle would be better but if ur real short on cash spacers can be had for real cheap it makes it alot easy for turning and dounuts can be done with out even trying at all for me now