I tore my top end apart and the piston says 530MO6825, i believe. I know it says 6825. Does this mean that the cylinder is bored out as much as possible?
I wanna do a big bore, but i dont have that kind of money. Im just gonna get another cylinder and do a top end for now. I just want a running blaster. Ill build it up little by little. But if i didnt have to do a rear end in my truck id buy a bbk today, trust me.
I bought one off of Ebay and got it shipped to the house for $38 before. It's the one I decided to do the porting to. It needs boring so add $100 for the piston kit plus about $50 for the boring and $38 for the jug itself. Not NEARLY what yamaha wants for a new jug.
Post in the wanted section of the forum. Someone might have an extra one on the shelf and they wouldn't mind helping out a BF brother for a few bones...