what you guys think about getting a 250R


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
Well as of right now I like my can am ds450 but I have a soft spot for a trx250R. My cr85 I was thinking if I sold it and saved some cash I can buy a trx250r I never rode a 250r are they really that great or is my 450 gonna eat it easy and out handle it, If I get this 250r im plaing on buying one with nice suspension and everthing then doing some motor mods so will I be disapointed with the quad or no?
ahhahha trade your wife that was a good one fed, do you the maxx cylinder size I can put on it 350 right

lrd sells a 350 power valve kit, case has to be machned to fit it, i think the saber cyl fits... not sure on that for sure and i dont know much about it... but i know the lrd 350 pv with porting lrd adjustable pipe with a 39 mill air stryker is insane fast!! thats what my buddy runs
thats what I wanted to do but not that extreme I was looking at more probley a esr 310bb with a 38mm carb with some nice aarms,axle,bedlocks,race plastics that type of setup
esr or ct 310 kit, or even a 330.. lrd adjustable pipe, 38 carb, a arms, axle, shocks, bar risers will feel comfy asd rip!

yea aahah im really into getting one now, this thing sounds like its gonna be a real scremer I was looking at like monster jam championships like quadwars from 2003 all it is 250r's racing and some banshees it gave me some ideas im thinking of a blue frame with white plastics with some nice grahics or the orginal red on red
A buddy of mine had one with a LRD pipe, +3 a arms, wider axle, 310cc ESR big bore and a few other small things. I fell in love with that quad. He had to sell it due to financial problems and I didnt have the money at that point. I would give a nut to have a 250r I think. My phone searches the midwest every hour for one on craigslist. Everyone wants a fortune for one so Ive been searching for one blown up or something else major wrong with it. I dont think you would be dissappointed at all. Its my favorite 2 stroke quad for all around riding. I dont really like how the banshees handle.
Im looking at a 88 right now with +3 legars,elkas all around,bedlocks,stock bore stock stroke and ported,35mm kehin carb,lrd pipe and silencer he maybe want to trade for my cr85 and I add 500$ I think its a real good deal im probley gonna do it I have to see
Im looking at a 88 right now with +3 legars,elkas all around,bedlocks,stock bore stock stroke and ported,35mm kehin carb,lrd pipe and silencer he maybe want to trade for my cr85 and I add 500$ I think its a real good deal im probley gonna do it I have to see

That seems like a steal to me. I mean, whats your CR85 worth? $1200 on a good day? Do it. You'll want a CR125 or 250 soon enough anyway...
You'll definately like an r. I had a 330 with a cool head, lonestar a-arms, laeger swinger and a bunch of other stuff. I wouldn't waste your money on a cylinder from esr or ct. You can get one directly from niks pro-x and save yourself some money. Then have an actual builder port it for you. Niks still makes the 310, 330, 350 and 370 cylinders and there were a couple cylinders from another company on ebay awhile back that were selling a 370 and a 409 kit
You'll definately like an r. I had a 330 with a cool head, lonestar a-arms, laeger swinger and a bunch of other stuff. I wouldn't waste your money on a cylinder from esr or ct. You can get one directly from niks pro-x and save yourself some money. Then have an actual builder port it for you. Niks still makes the 310, 330, 350 and 370 cylinders and there were a couple cylinders from another company on ebay awhile back that were selling a 370 and a 409 kit

yea that sounds nice not a lot of people run these 310's most are running this 330 cylinder I see are these cylinders prown to cracking like the 87- when ported to much? Or are they comepletly diffrent because im looking at a 88 and 87
Im looking at a 88 right now with +3 legars,elkas all around,bedlocks,stock bore stock stroke and ported,35mm kehin carb,lrd pipe and silencer he maybe want to trade for my cr85 and I add 500$ I think its a real good deal im probley gonna do it I have to see

Do it before he changes his mind!
you do a 250r right and you will eat up just about anything....if you know how to ride it.... but judging by how you talk, you seem to know a fair amount.... you should be ight. they are an extremly powerful quad for there size. you will have a blast!
well the guy sold the 250r, Im looking at another one to maybe buy a 87 stock though for a high price im just gonna wait for a nice modded one for sale again