What part is this?

whu shu

New Member
Feb 23, 2009
Alabaster, Alabama
that would be your oil PUMP specifically. yes, rip that biotch off and do the rest of the block off and premix. its not the pump that likes to fail, its that plastic gear inside the clutch cover that drives that guy.

Lol I am right now, but I ran into a problem.:( I opened the whole thing up and saw something that didn't look right. I start pulling it all out and it looked like pink construction paper. I am not dumbass so I knew it shouldn't be in there so I got it all out. While taking it all out I saw some in a gear and I was pulling it out of th grooves then the kick starter assembly "fell" out. Now I don't know how it goes back in. I am going to look up pictures of it, but can you guys help me out?
The kickstart assembly just rest back in the groove,then hold the kickstart gear and twist the spring around till the end of the spring fits in the groove(hole built into case).If this makes no sense send me your email address and I will go shoot some pics with my spare parts to give you a better understanding.LMK