what jets to use

Nov 7, 2008
Just want to know what jet range i should be looking at.

Carb: OKO 30mm

Bore: .25 over

Elevation: 1122'

Exhaust: fmf fatty/ fmf powercore 2

Reeds: V force 3

Airbox: Factory 7 air box with uni filter.

Other: has 3/8" vitos spacer.

I currently have these jets

pilot: 45, 48, 50, 55, 58

main: 140, 142, 145, 148, 150, 152, 155
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slickerthanyou has the closest setup to this with the oko, and experience with jetting these 30mm oko's, give him a holler
I pm'd ya. and agree with Noober, 150 main and 45 pilot to start. Should be a bit on the rich side depending on the weather.
what needle should these carbs use? I looked on the PWK list at jetsrus and done see the needle that they are suposed to some with listed. I want to buy a new needle to make sure its got the right one since i had to replace jets, and the jet holder since it came with no name garbage in it, and the needle is the only thing i didnt replace. the needle looks like it leans to one side when you go to wide open throttle too. is this normal?
does this look right for the float level?

Its 20mm in the front, and about 23-24 in the middle where the floats highest point is.


does this look right for the float level?

Float level should be 19MM. Here is how to check it correctly.-


1) Correct Float Height
Before changing any jetting parts, check the carburetor floats for correct height. Measure the height from the bottom of the float to the Throttle Opening. carburetor-body gasket surface. Correct height can be found on the chart. When checking the float height, the float should be resting, but not depressing, the spring-loaded float valve pin. This can be done by tilting the carburetor until the float tab just makes contact with the valve pin. If adjustment is needed, bend the metal tab on the float arm until correct height is obtained.

N80F needle is what comes stock with these 30mm OKO's. 427-46XXX is the manufactures numbers. Needle N80F is closest to a JJH Needle. My situation required a richer needle for 1/4 to 3/4 and also leaner 1/8 throttle.