what exhaust?


Apr 12, 2009
northwest Indiana
ok, ive been looking for something to buy with the money 'm gonna get for christmas and i want to buy a new exhasut, i was looking at the dmc alien exhaust on ebay and i wonder, is this a good exhaust, 280 somthin dollars for it, are there any cheaper or better exhaust systems that will improve over my fmf fatty?
ok, ive been looking for something to buy with the money 'm gonna get for christmas and i want to buy a new exhasut, i was looking at the dmc alien exhaust on ebay and i wonder, is this a good exhaust, 280 somthin dollars for it, are there any cheaper or better exhaust systems that will improve over my fmf fatty?

save 20 more bucks and get the power pros pipe that wildcard sells
Id go with what freek said. Or if your not going to do much modding go with the toomey. I think its one of the best sounding pipe out there.
ok, i went onto wildcard site and all it was was a blank page that said site cube, was i on the right site, can you post the link of that site?
i'll loook at it, i still have no answer to my prior question though, whats better about a right bend? i just want the pipe that gives the most power.
honestly to me it makes no diff but most say the right bend is better because it has less bends and flows more or whatever but i dont think it could matter that much it just depends on how you ride and where your rpms are most of the time so you get the most power from your motor. but to me the fat bastard has enough down low to rip through trails and has all the balls you need mid through the top
i think i like the toomey complete kit the most, if anyone thinks i should get a different one, please tell me, i want a nasty cool sounding pipe that looks and sounds good and performs even better.
i don't have porting yet.............but just wait! i noticed all the sites say its for a 240 blaster, is it still ok to run on my 200 blaster, also, how does the silencer look and sound, is it round, cause i would like to be able to use my sparky spark arrestor on it on trail rides.