As I said, in the 2 stroke, all may not be superior and direct apps. However I am a sanctioned Nascar Crew Chief (retired due to marriage) and can state with absolute fact that in a V8 (and most motors) it sure as hell does. Your glass of water is a fine illustration. What actually is creating the power? One, HP is a bullshit term, it means nothing, like farfegnugen, it stands for an amount of force/work over time, but no defined parameters. BFD. Torque is an actual and factual measure of power. So in our little glass of water the harder I crush the soon to explode mixture, the more potential bang. In other words a longer rod in a top valved motor will benefit from a longer rod by having higher compression, ie, it travels farther towards the head creating more/higher compression.
So yes, it doesn't deal with displacement it deals with compression. Compression leads to power. So a longer rod will help, now to increase the actual length of stroke you center the main at a point slighty farther out. This increases the length of stroke itself. So now you have the benifit of a longer stroke and the longer rod increases the compression improving power. Then you have compression and displacement.
Who gives a rats ass, it's barely related.
Don't confuse the terms and facts as you are ,however. A longer rod will potentially increase compression and give more power and has changed the strokes position. That is a "stroker" by definition of changing the stroke from stock.
As for displacement take the 454, it is this doggiest POS motor ever made. Tons of cubes, moderate stroke. Squat for a cam. Had a lot of torque, but nothing else. Get that bad boy turning and compressing some fuel/air with a hot cam and it comes alive.
IT'S A SYSTEM. I know somebody has to be getting tired of me saying this.
This is a 2 stroke forum and I won't get in the technical aspects of other motors. The basic principle is the same.
Think of a longer rod as a timing advance....
A little port work and you can equal a head shave in a heart beat.
BTW in V8 increase equaly is not true, you can gain alot for a specific purpose ie, drags, circle track, whatever.