What does it take to make this work?


New Member
Nov 12, 2008
Creedmoor N.C
Heres the deal I just bought the banshee lights for my 99 blaster, what's the deal with these lights working off the power of the stock stator? And if needed a higher ouput stator "Ricky stator" 75 watt? thanx alot
Well From reading around the forum I'v heard some say unhook the tail light to to make the voltage work out but others say the lights are a total of 55 watts! I do know that the banshee and blaster have 12 volt systems but I'm unsure about the wattage of the banshee bulbs! Anybody know?
I run 2 20 watt halogens on the stock stator just fine. The original is 45w and i hear you can max about 65 or 70 watts. Plug them in it shouldnt idle down very much. If it dies then probably too much.