what do you think of the person above you

i think he got a killer deal on trading his blasty for the yfz (but should really upload pics of the blasty because i forgot what it looks like)
spends more time cleaning and polishing and upgradeing his blaster then he does riding it, and what free time he has left after that, he is in this thread posting, again and again and again and...................
is in this thread post whoring everytime i am in this thread post whoring. and ya think with all that montster he drinks, he'd have plenty of energy to bolt some accesories on that nekkid azzed frame i been staring at for 3 months! BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

were just a bunch of whores
would know if he read my posts that i dont give up my riding spot to
just anyone, and is gonna be pissed when i tell him, ITS FRIGGING HUGE!!!!
and i know 5 more just like it, and that this spot is about 2000 acrres and the other
one close to me is about 14000 acres, sorry.
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