water skipping


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
well i have 2 blasters and one of them is just a peice that i tear up and dont really care, so heres my new dumb idea. water skipping. do you all think its possible to do it cause i have a perfect spot to try i just dont no if the blaster is fast enough to do it, i honestly dont no how fst you even have to go or should i say how fast people go when they glid across the water.
anyone have any info or input on it?
im sure its alot more than just speed and the spot. its about weight possition and transfer and all that sh*t. id say practise on something shallow, like just enough to go half way up tires, once u get it down without sinking, try it bigger.
it actually doesn't take alot of speed to hydroplane a blaster. I've done it in the river and been able to cross about 20' of water from one sand bar to another
so you think if i jus go hit this like trench type thing n just haul ass n lean back i should make it lol.
just think how badass it would to be ridin with your buddys and all of a sudden you pull him and head strait for a pond or some sh*t n ride right across that mofo.
ha im jus picturing it think it would be pretty funny
Just make sure that your entry point into the water is gradual and smooth otherwise you might go for a ride when you hit the water! I hydroplaned 4' deep water in 4th gear
well i cant find the trike vid on youtube but it was a 200X i dont think he was wide open but he was crossing a puddle about 9-10inches deep about 50-60 feet i would guess and he did just fine till he shifted his weight a bit too much and the front tire just stopped the 3 wheeler in its tracks he didnt stop but the trike did.

i say try shallow because for the reason to figure out speed and where your weight should be. this is because of the fact if u go down its not gonna be bad. just experiment and hope for the best
i water slipped for about.. 100 yards at ashot if not longer on the lake.. we had almsot 60 degree weather in feb and all the snow on top of the ice melted. the water was up to the middle of my wheels... my first try wa s afail. leaned back and gave her hell.. ended up spinning out..

after that riding on the lake later that day. i had my knees on the seat, and feet hanging off the back, i was soaked and it was comfortable riding like that...

i just gave her threw the gears and was 3/4 throttle in 6th and just floatin across the water, i knew i was skipppin cuz when i let off the gas the blaster would drop down and water would fly everywhere!! and the quad would get squirrly feeling,

when i was on it. it was just a thin line of water flying off the front tires and a smooth ride
do you think i could try like the corner of a pond like shoot in at an angle or would that not be my best bet
yeah a main fact was that they run paddle tires though and i really need to get some cause i ride in a huge sand pit quit a bit, so there a need but i dono im running slashers right now almost like an alterain(spelling?) for a automobile.

most of my buddys run big grizzlys and mud atvs, and they tie like the white float things that hang on the side of the boat while parked at a marina cant think of what there called but anyways yeah they time em up and hit the water/mud whatever and it helps float so i figured i should prolly tie a sh*t load on, im also afraid to sink it but hey i bought the biotch to have fun,=)