Was leaking fuel now it won't idle.


New Member
Jun 16, 2011
Imma give you all some background info on the whole fiasco with my blasty. We got it in 2006 in upper NY(not the city) brand new. Rode it good stock for about a year up there on trails and such. Was fun and all but I had to move to a suburban area down in VA. As such, it sat there with no riding for about 3 years. I ran it out of gas before transport like a good owner but I guess it wasn't enough. I moved to KY area now where I have a lot of room to run my blasty again. However it's been a year since i moved here and still haven't down any riding. But i FINALLY made plans to go riding this weekend and did a once-over on it. Put gas in it and started it up a bit. It didn't sound so good and then i noticed it was leaking gas out of the overflow hoses. I figured it was a dirty carb so I took it off and cleaned it good with the gas it uses. Figured it would wind up in there anyway. Put it back on but it still leaked. Took it off again. Ordered a carb rebuild kit and took everything I could figure out and replaced with the new parts. Cleaned it with real crab cleaner spray this time of course. However the float drain screw(I think its called that) would not come out so I drilled into it and forcibly turned it that way. The crab repair kit did not come with a new one(I was mad about that) so i had to put it back in but i cleaned it first. After this was all done I put it back on and hoped that it would finally work. BUT it still leaked at first. So i started it seeing if that might cycle the last of the crab cleaner out. So now It is not leaking. Yet. I will test it some more tomorrow. But while I was running it it didn't sound right. So I figured that my air/fuel mix was wrong for my new attitude. Started messing with it and now I find out it won't idle without the choke on. Messed with the little turn knob and the screw part on the crab that controls that to. After awhile and almost killing my self(Don't be retarded like me and try to do it with the parking brake on lol) I still can't get it to idle. So some help would be appreciated with this matter as I have a day left to get ready. But if I can't go I can't go I guess.

Blasty sat for about 3 years.
Crab was leaking now it isn't not sure.
Blasty won't Idle right.
Altitude changes might be a factor.

Hope you all can help me :).
Okay, first thing is first, the screw on the gear shift side of the carb, small screw(low speed/air screw) turn in till it seats snug, not tight, just snug, then turn out about 1 3/4 turns. Leave the TORS head idle screw(under seat by tank) alone for now. Pull your airbox lid(under seat) and clean airfilter/inspect, etc, sounds like a clog somewhere in there due to dirt, old oil residue, etc. Clean filter properly for foam filter method.

As far as the gas leaking, your float is sticking in the bowl, and causing many problems, most of what you speak of as well. Pull the float bowl again and inspect float, assure proper clearance, etc, just google the measurements, think it is somewhere around 21mm?
Someone may be able to confirm that, guys???

Also when you had the carb apart you said you installed a carb kit? New low speed and main jets? just making sure, if not be sure to inspect jets again, assure clean through, etc.

Float is the problem, and clean the airfilter, new plug, etc.
Start there, think you will be surprised how quickly it comes back to life.
Keep us posted.

Oh, and welcome to the forum Bro!!!! I:II:II:I

Stole pic from awk I:I
Thanks for the fast replays guys. It's 1:00 AM here so i will test all this info tomorrow. As for the Airbox i barley touched it but I did clean the foam stock filter by washing it in water with soap. Is there a better method to clean it than that?

As for the crab kit it was a K&L YFS200 crab repair kit. I don't know what a low speed is but I do know that it came with a replacement stock jet which is 230 i believe. I will check again tomorrow.

Thanks for the help guys I can't wait to ride again.

EDIT: Also, would removing my TORS help in any way? It seems to be a popular mod but im not sure if i want to mess with it unless it's necessary.
2 jets in your carb, low speed or pilot and high speed or Main.
The 230 you replaced was the MAIN, and that is stock, so everything else should be, lid should be on box, etc.

The pilot is in there too, next to the upper cavity where the main was, that should be 32.5 and should be CLEAN. That mainly affects idle and 1/4 throttle, just an FYI, and plays a major factor in what is going on with you right now, check it, and the float clearance, report back.
Too your EDIT, rule of thumb, try to not have too many hands in the pot at once.
YES, the TORS sucks and has been known to cause "bugs" in the bikes but one thing at a time. Let's get ya figured out, all of things discussed in order and set correctly, running good, then if ya wanna rip out the TORS we can easily assist you in doing so, cool?? ;)
All right I took a look at the leftover parts from the carb kit and i found a smaller jet that says 23.5 on it. I'm guessing this is the piolt jet then. So tomorrow I will take the carb out. Find the old pilot jet and replace it, measure the float clearance, turn the air screw to the right turns, and then install it all back in and start her up.

Something I want to check first is the TORS head idle screw. Is there a stock position for it because I was messing with that alot. In fact I revved it to the limit and thought I was gonna lose the blasty threw the wall cause I was turning it with the Parking brake on. That wasn't very smart of me.
Make sure the jet says 32.5, not 23.5, IF IT DOES do not use it, way tooo small, FYI.

Not sure where that idle screww on the TORS head goes, for stock position, as I never used it, First thing really done when I got mine was full delete. Anyway sure when the bike is running right the idle screw will get put where it needs to go to get everything stable.
It is a 32.5. I just keep switching my numbers around lol. I have the carb apart once more and I can't find that piolt jet anywhere. Is it up in the part where I unscrew the main unit from? Cuz I haven't even touched that area yet despite there being a new needle in the repair kit.

EDIT: I found it but I don't have a flathead long and small enough to get in there and unscrew it. Have to go to the store now.

EDIT 2: Alright guys...I got it to Idle without the choke on now. But first a new checklist I need help with.

1. I put the new piolt jet in and it leaked gas when I first put the carb In. However after running it for a couple secs the gas leak stops and doesn't start again.

2. When it idles it sometimes overrevs it's self WAYYYYY too much like the engine is going to explode levels. I recently replaced the clutch lever and now the parking brake doesn't work right so would that cause it to overrev itself?

Those are the only 2 problems now and I would hate for the engine to go into a fit on the trail and ram me into a tree. Any help would be welcome guys.

EDIT 3: I think the carb and idle problems are fixed now and am gonna start a new thread with a different title as the trouble has moved from the carb to the engine. Thanks to everyone for the help with it though.
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