ok, i dont mean to ruin this "good deal" but think about it, if id buy this from you, id be buying... the broken kit from you=175bucks, the new piston from vetos=109.99, the cylender from vetos=129.99, thats a total of 413 bucks, plus shipping to get it from you to me, like 20 bucks, plus most people would have to pay to have the cylinder pressed in, so really your paying almost 500 bucks for it, or i could go to ebay and get it brand new for 500..... just stating the facts also, the new kit comes with jets for the carb and gaskets... im not saying your not selling it cheap enough im just saying in reality when it broke on your bike, the value went out the window...
oh.. and vitos charges 180 bucks to put a sleeve in a cylinder...lol