Well if the 30 minutes to widen the reed cage ports doesn't add any advantage then you wasted 30 minutes, but if there was dyno sheets showing a better curve for this free mod then a lot of people would care
are you on banshee hq??

Well if the 30 minutes to widen the reed cage ports doesn't add any advantage then you wasted 30 minutes, but if there was dyno sheets showing a better curve for this free mod then a lot of people would care
Knowing how these big company's are and how they operate. They produce a generic product for say, for the 90% ERS. Not the mod crazy fools like the rest of us. What may work on one may not be so beneficial for another. It would be almost imposible for them to try every different model along with an almost infinate amount of different set ups (mods). Going by looking at the v force and also the Boyesen rad valve there "could be" improvements made on either one maybe not .
From what I have seen it really comes down to what you are looking for and what carb you are running. From what i have seen,, both of them can certainly use a little "clean up" /or portig the intake /carb side to match the outlet of your particular carb but not much ! . Big difference between a stock 26mm and a 32mm+.. Other than a "clean up" if even needed,,, i personaly wouldnt go any firther.
Look at it the same way as porting a cyl. If you open things up to much you are hurting things and not improving them. Venturi comes to mind by looking at the way they are designed. Like they want to "stuff" the cyl with air/fuel mix (good). The increased air speed right before the reeds may help in opening them to help "stuff" the cyl. Although it may benefit to open them up in drag/top end applications (sacrifice bottom) I am sure they didn't design them for that particular reason. So all in all,,, Imo if you wanted to port the reed cage it would depend on the application.. Stock bike trail riding ,,, leave it alone as it was most likely designed for that. Full out high rpm big carb drag bike,,, open her up how you see fit.
Other things can also be done to help the flow through the reeds. Say just lightly matching the edges of the reeds to the cage/ not the cage to the reed (give or take)... Also slightly sanding/ rounding off the reed tip/edges of the reeds...
are you on banshee hq??![]()
And that's your opinion. Better air floe is better air flow regardless how it's obtained. If your not willing to try something, that's that's all you have is an opinion. Dyno sheet or not. Get yourself a set of reeds and do a before and after so you can prove your point. If your not willing to do it, than keep your opinions to yourself. That's my .02 cents
There is not any proof on a lot of stuff we do, but we do it! I'm surprised we dont see more people porting out there reed cages. I doubt your going to see people spending the $$ and running to the dyno to see if there port job on there reed cage worked! Thats like saying you need to run to the dyno because your running a different air filter then me and i want proof that it helps.
Im also very surprised that motor builders with dyno's have not tested this yet. If it works and the motor builder can show a dyno that is proof that it works then they can sell there reed cage porting work.
Depends on who's asking.... Lol yea I am on the HQ different username though
Without a climate controlled dyno cell, it would be hard to prove either way. The weather could change enough in the time it takes to do a swap to skew the results.
Leastwise on the stock cages there is a small lip on the sides, maybe 1/64", but it will cause turbulence.
I have never seen a dyno sheet proving tha Boysen ports do anything, but lots of people add them
What the heck, I'll throw it back to your court. YOU prove it doesn't work !!![]()