
lol your a nut. I still see some cabinet painters laying down lacquer.
We generally leave when that is happening.
We used to use it at my job too but the EPA has banned it.
Don't see much car painters using it because of the EPA also.
That stuff is highly explosive.
One of our guys used it on a job back in the day and was cleaning up outside.
He saw a bright flash followed by the sliding glass door being blown out of the house. No fire just a flash.
It burns so fast that it uses up all the available oxygen and then goes out.
Investigators traced it to an ember in the fireplace from the night before that nobody mentioned lighting.
As far as a finish- it's one of the best clears you can use.
paulie.. i work for a car collector detailin and restoring collecto cars.. only american muscle though... we do the motors and under hood with ether krylon satan black and the original color motors but in duplicolor engine enamal.. our touch up paints for wheel weels trunks under side and interior stuff is all custom mixed laquire... it looks sooooo much better than enamal but its very thin paint so several coats are needed bot looks soooo good!!!!

i had the wheeler out today sittin in the sun for a few hours... and rode it around the parking lot for a bit.. didnt chip or scratch but i have a feelin it will.. lucky enough i know a fool proof way to strip it off with out sanding the sh*t out of it...

laquier thinner.. soak a rag with it and rub the fenders down... the paint will disolve its self and minimal work needed to clean them off
That's a cool job bro.
I jes got back from MIR race track jes now :)
Import VS domestic night
I'm American muscle all the way through.

Lacquer thinner is great stuff for that!
We use it to clean up old wall paint off the floor.
I had some banshee front fenders that were painted over a few times.
I sprayed it with stripper and powerwashed the old paint off.
That's a cool job bro.
I jes got back from MIR race track jes now :)
Import VS domestic night
I'm American muscle all the way through.

Lacquer thinner is great stuff for that!
We use it to clean up old wall paint off the floor.
I had some banshee front fenders that were painted over a few times.
I sprayed it with stripper and powerwashed the old paint off.

yeah... i decided to strip the paint off the rear fenders.. i did a flex test on them and bent them down to the wheels and up as far as felt safe... one tiny crack.. i found new maier black ones for 160.. so im gonna strip the paint off the rears and run them white tell iget the black rears..

side note.. krylon FTW!! sprayed pb blaster on them let it sit for amin than wiped.. and the pb didnt do anything to the paint!! carb cleaner... oh... stickey paint!!
I'm a fan of the Krylon for plastic too.
For once it's a product that does what it says instead of hype.
I tested it myself on a plastic front number plate.
I bent it pretty frickin good and it held up.
Normal paint would have surely cracked and flaked in the same test.
Krylon sunbeam yellow matches old YZ yellow pretty good ;)
I'm a fan of the Krylon for plastic too.
For once it's a product that does what it says instead of hype.
I tested it myself on a plastic front number plate.
I bent it pretty frickin good and it held up.
Normal paint would have surely cracked and flaked in the same test.
Krylon sunbeam yellow matches old YZ yellow pretty good ;)

well thats a good peice of mind....considering i just bought 3 cans of it
Rite on freek!
I used to have a pic of me bending that number plate like crazy but lost it when my hardrive crashed.