Trx250r motor on blaster?

Welcome to the forum. That motor probably has more value as just a motor than if it was attached to a Blaster but if ya gotta build a hybrid it'd be good to use a counter balanced motor. Good Luck!
i'd leave it in a trx250r............better chassis to begin with. you can get more speed out of your blaster with a lot less time and effort. have you piped it yet? anything?
I dont really care as much about how much the motor is worth i just want something tht nobody else has. I put a big bore on my blaster when it blew and it just blew up again with a L.A sleeve piston kit in it not even 6 monthes later, so thats why im wanting a 250r motor.
Why? just get a 250r. The R's handling kicks the ass out of a little blaster, no matter how fast you make a blaster a R or 450 will out handle it every time. Plus the seats longer and everythings just a tad bigger, it makes for a much better ride and you can really move around when you need to.

If your going through top ends you obviously have an air leak or don't have it tuned right... a R will do the exact same.
i like 250rs but i also like the blaster. blasters are smaller and easier to throw around. in my opinion. but theres a guy near me selling a blaster with a it400 motor for 2k so i might get it