Trouble removing rear axle


New Member
Sep 30, 2010
Hi everyone. I'm new to blasters, and to this forum, but I have been lurking here for a while reading up on tech tips and upgrades.

I purchased a banshee axle for my '02 blaster. I have everything torn down, but I cannot get the axle out of the carrier. I have been hitting it pretty hard with a hammer, and also broke out my slide hammer to use on the right side. No dice.

Is there a clip I am missing, or what? I feel like I am hitting it pretty hard and it's not budging.

Thanks for any help.
you have the nuts/sprocket carrier off correct?

dualstroke had a good tip, just pull the carrier completely off the bike, lay chunk of wood on the floor, and then grab the bolt tubes on the carrier and hit the left side of the axle on the wood.

make sure to put a bunch of lube in there, if its stuck in there that badly, you should probably put new axle bearings in
Yes, I have everything off the axle. The carrier is still bolted to the swingarm. I will try and pull the carrier and try that method, but I have trouble thinking that will be more force than what I am applying right now.

Any recommendations on the grease/lube?
i use pb blaster for that stuff. works pretty well.

when it goes back together regular axle/wheel bearing grease works fine
you have the nuts/sprocket carrier off correct?

dualstroke had a good tip, just pull the carrier completely off the bike, lay chunk of wood on the floor, and then grab the bolt tubes on the carrier and hit the left side of the axle on the wood.

make sure to put a bunch of lube in there, if its stuck in there that badly, you should probably put new axle bearings in

you wil be able to hit it harder that way. I think it will work
So should I assume I will need new bearings and just order some? I found a set on eBay for pretty cheap. Thanks everyone.
Don't know anyone with a press. I'll have to try the wood trick. Ordered a new set of bearings and seals on eBay.
See if you can find a shop somewhere to do it with the press. Mine was froze the hell up.. it took ten tons on a 40 ton press to get it off then another ten tons to push the bearing off the axle. The bearings were original 89 and FUBAR. I cant believe i actually rode on them.....
Thanks for asking. Picked up a scrap 2x4, pulled the carrier, and started pounding. Put lots of dents in the wood, even splintered the edges, but no movement.

Kept working at it, and missed the wood once and hit the garage floor. It moved! So I got it out. I guess the wood was too soft.

Feels like a decent amount of play in the bearings. Glad I have a new set on the way. Couple questions though.

- Is there a decent writeup on removing and installing bearings in a carrier? I'm sure it's simple, but I like to know what I'm getting into.

- The blaster axle has a metal ring attached to it on the right side of the axle, directly next to the carrier. I don't see the same thing on the banshee axle. Is this going to be ok?

Thanks for the help everyone.
I have the banshee brake hub. The question I have is that the stock blaster axle has a metal ring, that sits against the carrier on the right side. The banshee axle does not have this. It almost looks like the ring protects the carrier bearing seal? This make sense?
This is just a cell phone pic, but this is the metal ring I have been talking about. The picture is looking at the right side of the axle, left side is down.

Sorry, I can't see your pic, I was hoping you could pick it out of those diagrams I gave links to. Nevertheless, when I did my 04 (similar to a banshee axle) there was no ring between the brake hub and carrier.

I think you are looking at the "dust cover", item 16 on page 6-19 of the manual. The newer bikes and banshees don't use that piece.
that's the difference between the 88-02 and 03+/banshee axles

the banshee brake hub takes the place of that ring that's part of the old axle.