trick for taken axle nuts off??


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Edmonton, Ab
i have my axle off the bike and need to get the nuts off but dont have anything to hold the axle from spinning when trying to take them off...any trick to doing this??
hahahahahahahahahaha give us nucks a bad name lol

just playing, also, u know that all threads are backwards in canada?

naw playing again, its ok, we all have brain farts
i guess i fell and am the stupid one tonight demon lol can some1 delete this b4 more ppl look at it lol

start wearing a helmet kid, then concusions is adding up.

o, wait, he's canadian, that esplains it. lol

kinda like me looking for my truck keys this morning,

im yelling at my guys to help me find them, after 20 min, they start craking up

laughing, bobby says (he, dumazz, look in your hand!

i look at my left hand, they go hysterical, they were in my right hand.

uhhh, duh!~
i only had one wrench big enuf, so i put a rod thru the sprocket across the swinger to hold it all still, and you're prolly gonna need a cheater bar on the wrench, i had to stand and bounce on mine to get them to break loose
this thing was in really bad shape when i caught the sickness 2 years ago
i only had one wrench big enuf, so i put my man rod thru the sprocket across the swinger to hold it all still, and you're prolly gonna need a cheater bar on the wrench, i had to stand and bounce on mine to get them to break loose
this thing was in really bad shape when i caught the sickness 2 years ago
^^^^ re read ^^^^^lol
Bbbbhhaaahhaa . Your a bad ass man awk!lol.
when u reinstall them electrical tape over the nuts. it helps to keep dirt out and makes tahem them off 4 years later as easy as the say they were put on. put the tape on the oppositte direction the tires spin.

just a helpfull racer tip i learn years back. XC guys do it alot and tape the entire axle too
I put a bar through the sprocket to jam it up then have a 3' adjustable cresent wrench I use to remove even the most rusted, stuck, frozen nuts...

thatlll do wonders for a painted swingarm and sprocket hub. would be much easier to have someone hold the brake 8-|